For Those About to Wreck..


New member

I've always wanted to try a dr z amp but they're not available here. But I've stumbled upon this news from dr z while reading the tgp forums. I thought some of you might be interested in this.

IMHO, this is the best-looking head and cab I've seen so far. The color is just about right and it's not gaudy. A very promising amp since the late great and much-revered Ken Fischer had a hand in designing this amp and the cabinet itself is wired in an unusual 16 ohms series config.
Interesting! Agreed that the cabs look really nice. I wonder how similar it is to the Trainwreck. I bet it's going to be loud for it to really shine.

The speaker config is indeed strange. The Blue is 15W while the amp is rated at 30W.

Last I heard was that Ebenex is going to bring in Dr. Zs, but no news so far.
From what I read about it, it's going to sound closer to a Trainwreck Rocket than an Express as it has EL84 tubes instead of EL34'S.

It's the most expensive Z amp to date at 3,700usd for both head and cab. But if you think about it, it's still cheaper than most boutique brands in a spec-to-spec, wattage per wattage comparison.

Any softie here who actually owns a Dr Z amp? I've never saw one that was posted here at soft.
Wow! The amp is really pretty! But REALLY expensive. Most boutique amps I've seen actually don't go that much. There are some that are more expensive but definitely not most.
Well, it's a head and cab compard to others, say Komet, where the heads alone would cost more than that. And the cab that goes with the Wreck is not just an ordinary cab but one that's loaded with nice top-of-the-line Celestion speakers.: )