For SALE: Squier Standard FAT Telecaster in Excellent Condition(Crafted in Indonesia)

bored? you said you had TONS of things to do thats why you cant make it today?

no you were not bored. you are a moron, thats why you believed that.

Forgot mention.. just to correct some typo

"i was bored i believed 'ITS' this" ~ was meant for tubehead and not you :)

Like i said i was trying to tell tubehead he was wrong about allegations.

Im not by your side or his, nor to carry some balls here..

haha wrong yubesperat..i was telling tubehead he was wrong about that post and falsifying you
2) you gave me a deadline of more than 2pm

that was because you said you will come between 1-2PM.

3) To not waste your time and help you out with time constraint i reluctantly sacrifice the offer to someone else who can deal before that time you given to me.

to not waste my time? how many times did you say YES you will get it and then back out. and then CONFIRM again and then back out again?

you sacrifice the offer? wow. what a sacrifice!

4) Why i asked got buyer? i was praying so you can get that cash fast for your wife

youre praying i can sell it fast? while you flame my ad with unwarranted accusations you are not sure and CANNOT prove?

5) Your reputation here is really shitty

my reputation? yeah really. thats why i ask people to come to my place to try out my items before they decide to buy. unlike people who want NO FUZZ deals just meet up then say item works 100% fine then turns out to be spoiled.

HOW is my reputation shitty?

Who's the TIME waster here?

6) "FT" like you please behave yourself cause you're in people's country if you cant please go baq where you belong.

Singapore should be ashamed of you. ive met and dealt with plenty of Singaporeans and most of them are nice chaps, except for YOU and couple more f*cked up persons who are two-face dimwits saying this and that - cant accept a fact even when its right up their face.

Dont call a person f*cked up when you dont know what they feel for you..

mangyaring malaman kung paano igalang ang mga tao, bobo

So no hard feelings here, i have my fault to admit and same time im gonna shake this shit off... lets go our seperate ways


Google this: ULOL! :cool:
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Okay people. Just stop.

Enough badmouthing and fareezo, you should know better than to pursue and add fuel to the fire.

And just a reminder, this is a Buy/Sell thread. Not a flaming thread.

So no place for keyboard warriors here, alrite?
Silence is the best reply to a fool.


silence when you got something substantial to say is timidity.

silence when you got nothing good to say is exactly this.

silence is a fool's tool.

silence but looking for people who are against me and commenting to their favor so you can gang up with them? be my guest, you sour-graping retard.

i never claimed i was the first owner.

and does it matter how many had owned it before? if its in fantastic condition and nothing has been changed and modded with it, does the number of people who owned it really important?

would a guitar who had 1 owner before but had been battered and used thoroughly be more valuable than the same guitar who had 5 owners but all of them kept them under their beds, unplayed? if that one owner isnt a famous guitarist then it surely would cost less than the one kept pristine.

fareezo: 'no im not buying that at that price if its not first hand'. do you even use that brain of yours (assuming you have one)?

so now what? still silent?

i cant buy other stuff bcoz im selling this to have extra cash for expenses? what? wrap my guitar in newpaper when i go on the plane? why wont you answer those simple questions? how come it was so easy for you to suggest suspicion towards my reason for selling but now that you got your answer, cant even say one substantial response but

So no hard feelings here, i have my fault to admit and same time im gonna shake this shit off... lets go our seperate ways

you gonna shake it off? and then call me a fool?

best for you to shut up. you waste people's time with youre dilly dally decisions and call them fools because theyve pointed out what a real retard you are.
How much profit is lubesexpert making off this guitar?

hahaha resorting to half wit retorts and calling me lubesexpert, which has no relevance to this converstation, at any point whatsoever, is nothing but childish and unintelligent yet so much typical for a dimwit like you.

why you so affected how much id earn out of selling this? i got an sms offer of $150 but did NOT tell him to 'f*ck off', like you told me when i made a 'shot-in-the-dark' offer for your amp (which did not have a price on it, by the way)?

youve been selling your PRS for what, over half a year now and still NO takers? still no takers up to this day! is that why you are trying to share your misfortune to others by makingg silly and lousy comments on their ads?

have a good day, sucker! :p

ps. i bet you had a blast last night. imagine: you didnt have to put a costume on and yet you scared people sh*t out of their minds with your face. :p
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