Flooding Backyard

I heard the Creep cover and it's cool.
What I didn't like about it however was the climax part, the "She's running out etc etc" part.
You know the part where it goes "She ruuuuuuunns, she ruuuuunnnns", you shouldn't hit those notes with your falsetto, because then it loses all it's intensity hehe.
wow someone actually replied!! after 100 years!!! thanks man!!! i really appreciate you listening to our songs! ah it's a negativ comment what the heck, you listened to us!! :lol:

ah yeah the falsetto, i hate it too lol. oh u mean we should'v kept it at a lower, and more stable note? yeah good idea :) im having trouble hitting those notes anyway

hey do check out these other stuff too from my other bands :) tnx man

- http://www.purevolume.com/forgettingluna
- http://soft.com.sg/2006/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&t=17523
- http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=mesh+potatoes
- http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=meshpotatoes
Lol, it's not negative lah.
Your voice is somewhere between nice and alright, more to nice, just to be more specific on what i meant by "cool" lol.
Try raising your volume for that note, if you cant, oh well, that note is considerably hard to hit comfortably anyway lol.