fixing wood screw


New member
hey... just need to ask a question. My friend asked me to fixed his guitar because the grooves for the screws at the input jack have worn out and the woodscrew won't stay in anymore. I asked this question at ultimate-guitar forums and they told me to plug up the hole with toothpicks and glue and den redrill the hole. Just wanna confirm with you people here whether this will work because I don't wanna do it and den ruin my friend's guitar by accident.
Yea it works very well. Actually you won't even need glue sometimes. At the most white glue will suffice. Don't use superglue because it's easy to mess up.

There's no actual need to redrill pilot holes too since the toothpick will be soft and wont crack. Just make sure that the wood screw is lined up properly before screwing it in to cut the threads again.
yeap..did that on my bass..i used 2 toothpicks to make it extra tight..and juz a LIL bit of white holds out till now..

ps. i did it last year. :wink:

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