Thanks BadgerS88,
thanks for taking time to give your comments , appreciate it
well, since you like 'Carlos' I'll just say something about it.
The main theme was sticking in my brain since 1989, but I was just starting to learn to play the gtr then and just shelve this idea until 2000 when I got my D16.
I din fully realized I sounded 'like' HIM till I hear the play back, It was all played in one take.
I guesses the 'bass line' kind of dictated the kind of phrasing. Oh, there is no bass on it also, the 'bas line' is also played using my gtr.
Fast forward to 2007 iBlues. I have not been to a real jam for ages and I know I have lost a lot of the feel in my playing. Gotta get back to my roots (blues) rather than get too hung up on the techno stuffs
Have a great Lunar Year ahead!