First time performing (need tips)


New member
need help and tips
my band is auditioning for our school occasion
and we have to bring our own amps
its our first time performing
need to know

1)what amp are we supposed to use that is loud enough for a school hall?
2)is there any cheap renting for this?

any other tips are also helpful.
thanks so much!
Hi bro,

Most of the time, the event organizer should provide the amps etc for auditions.

But if that's not available, you can try renting from the following folkz

1) Luther Musicworks

2) Boons

3) Mikemann

Great prices with Great stuff

Additionally, for school hall, most ppl will mike up the amps to have a more balance stage and audience sound. This should be the way to do a live band performance (unless there's no budget)

pm me if u need help! =)

Hi prataz haha

yeah if its just a school audition, try not to rent amps that are too oversized and hard to move, keep it simple, and go harmony central ( to review the amp models b4 confirming with the company. 1 last tip, ease up on the gain of distortion, up the mids n bass n keep treble moderately low. Too much gain causes ur guitar sounds to be lost in the mix
oh sorry i wasnt answering ur questions

i think more than 30 watts can... provided the hall is empty with just the ppl auditioning you. If its an actual event and the organisers don't want to mike up the amp then up it to 50 and above.

i performed in a school hall long time ago... 1 thing is that the sound actually rebounded off the wall at the end of the hall n back at us, creating a confusing echo that we struggled to ignore. hope ur hall's acoustic is not tat bad, otherwise if you don't need to be on the stage (audition only) then try to set up in the middle of the hall (my opinion)
Sorry man!!! 30W is too weak, you need at least 350W for a school hall in terms of PA system. For Guitar and Bass amps, at least 200W.
I think you really need to rent if it's just an audition, the price is too high for a one time use.
I used to take part in talentime in our school. We had to rent our own amps. And we rented 100watts amp for guitars... Too bad the shop that we rent from is closed down now... If not i'll be able to recommend you. :wink: