first gig experience


New member
hi guys. as above, mind sharing what u felt like during ur first gig or band performance on stage? especially frontmans who have to talk to the crowd.

this is because i may have my first gig soon and oh my gawd the nervousness...

hey ho lets go!
bring a bat with you and do the ozzy.

relax take some liqour with you if you damn nervous.
Well my first gig experiance was in Ipoh, Perak back in '95 - '96...the crowd was freakin' huge....i coverin' bass cum vocals.
Nervous?...hell yeah, 1st gig in a foreign land but we did mange to put on a helluva good show which left a huge impression over the years to come which i came to know off sometime back....;)
my first gig was at gashaus. Was pretty average yet fun:)
It might help preparing what to say... Small talks inbetween songs especially if tuning is needed.
nervous, fingers fumbling over the frets, forgetting half the solo. playing looking my a moron with my mouth hanging open like a retard.

it helps to have a good audience rapport and a beer or 2.

if not, we can always rely on uncle jack or uncle johnny!! :lol:
errrrr my first gig experience was terrifying, cos I'm quite shy to begin with. I just kept telling myself "you're not alone, your band's with you you're not alone, your band's with you..... so if you shit your pants, they'll cover you."

I was singing and didn't talk at all. LOL. Until now also I donno how to talk :( fail oredi...

What to talk about between songs ah? I'll probably say stupid things like "So........... how was dinner?"
wahahahaha!!! brilliant!!

but asking the audience how was dinner is a good convo opener. also helps if the crowd is slightly rowdy and high from a few drinks.
nervous, fingers fumbling over the frets, forgetting half the solo. playing looking my a moron with my mouth hanging open like a retard.

it helps to have a good audience rapport and a beer or 2.

if not, we can always rely on uncle jack or uncle johnny!! :lol:

haha.. uncle jack is good, he's real friendly, but he would make me fumble over my frets more.. haha, best is to get all ur stuff down proper so that the nervousness wouldnt affect much and maybe get more support from ur friends..
I don't know whether you guys notice outdoor gigs, maybe it's just the ones I watch, but they don't seem to talk :/ they just quickly resume to the next song.... But they seem to talk more for indoor gigs... is this some weird phenomenon or what?
my first gig was at scape 3 years ago, i just treated it like a jam session, so u wont be so nervous. seriously, dont overdress... i see lads with make up, nail polish and weird chains hanging everywhere but they play crappy covers. just go out there and have fun, thats what its all about aint it?
good luck with you first gig mate!
i was soooooo nervous during my first gig. but i grew to love playing live after that

my fingers were practically trembling and i was struggling to grip my pick

i doubt i had any stage presence cos i was too busy trying to play everything correctly hahahaha

AND i was playing lead (not that i wanted it; i would rather play powerchords and rock out) cos i cant sing well even if my life depended on it
My 1st gig was a school concert, quite nervous.. played wrongly lots of times, but who cares, nobody knows what we are playing.. hahhaha..
Everyone gets nervous. Most importantly is you gotta be confident with your own instrument/vocals or both.. Practice like MAD!

My first 'gig' was in school, playing wake me up bla bla bla ends by Green Day.
Even though it was our first performance, we had already practised that song for a couple of months before so we were really comfortable with the song.

Act confident even if you are not.
Look like you're enjoying yourself even if you are not.
Carry on as if nothing happened if you made a mistake, no matter how big the mistake is.
Have Fun!

p.s Tom Delonge sucks live.
my gig was at a school's celebration. friggin nervous behind the curtains(haha) we were sec 2 so when we played for the upper sec we were expecting BOOs and stuff(yeah there were some issues) but they didnt and it was fun ahaha. 2nd and 3rds are the fun ones :D