well. one of the most famous "finger" dudes is Jeff Beck...there are many many more....(many jazz artists use fingers). Many country players use hybrid picking...puts shreds to shame man..
I disagree electric should use picks, but the question should be rather, what kind of "tone"you want to achieve.
Fingers are more expressive as you can control the dynamics of the sound... mellow, pluck higher, louder, pluck deeper, soft...just sweep thru..
Picks have a more "compressed" sound....great for power chords...and speed. But its also not true to say, picks got no emotion....but maybe not as expressive...
Hybrid is cool...very quite hard to master as the pick sound is usually much much louder...which screws things up...unless its intended. Plus transitions are a little trick...from mellow plucking to explosive sweep arppeggios, then to tricky string skipping.