fingerstyle and fingerpicking


New member
hi guys! pls explain to me wht does fingerstyle and fingerpicking means? i´m stiil green, pls help me to master the guitar! thanks guys!
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Basically fingerpicking is picking with ur fingers...kinda like how a classical guitarist would play. No picks...juz ur fingers.

Eric Clapton´s Tears in Heaven

Extreme´s More than Words

Metallica´s The Unforgiven (intro only)

Metallica´s Nothing Else Matters (i think)

PERSONALLY i *think* electric uses picks, but acoustic and classical uses fingerpickin. Finger pickin is nicer for blues blah blah, while using picks make ur chords sound stronger IN MY OPINION OF CUZ. But fingerpickin is a really cool asset to get cuz most blues require u to pluck two strings at the same time. Plus i personally play faster fingerpicking.
What´s up?

I think using hybrid picking is a good alternative to juz picking or fingerpicking...

After all it made Eric Johnson famous...and lots of guitarist uses it as well.

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On 2003-02-23 20:11, silent wrote:

what´s hybrid picking? what´s flat picking? so fingerstyle and finger picking means the same?


hybrid picking is when you use the pick to pick the bass strings while using your fingers to simulteanously pick the lower strings
Go hear......all dire straits songs....finger picking lead...
Mark will like him....
He is the master fo finger style lead guitarist....
Sultan of swing is the song....go on....hear it and play.....
Then jam with me......
well. one of the most famous "finger" dudes is Jeff Beck...there are many many more....(many jazz artists use fingers). Many country players use hybrid picking...puts shreds to shame man..

I disagree electric should use picks, but the question should be rather, what kind of "tone"you want to achieve.

Fingers are more expressive as you can control the dynamics of the sound... mellow, pluck higher, louder, pluck deeper, soft...just sweep thru..

Picks have a more "compressed" sound....great for power chords...and speed. But its also not true to say, picks got no emotion....but maybe not as expressive...

Hybrid is cool...very quite hard to master as the pick sound is usually much much louder...which screws things up...unless its intended. Plus transitions are a little trick...from mellow plucking to explosive sweep arppeggios, then to tricky string skipping.