Finger or pick


New member
Eh... How do one play a double-stop(2notes) with a pick? Can electric guitar be played by fingers alone? Sorry, I'm a noob... haha...
u can play hybrid (pick + middle finger) or just "strum" both quickly.

yes the electric can be played by fingers alone. check out mark knopfler of dire straits... he plays with fingers alone.
pinch you thumb and index finger together and use your index fingernail as you would use a pick, thats what i do when im too lazy to reach for a pick
Haha... thanks man... good humor there moo...

Well so it is personal style already ah> so have to play around more

But if use pick the sounds is crisp and clear but if use finger alone will sound muddy... then if don't have long nails---> It's a painful affair...

But I'm in the middle kind of thingy now... cos I used to play with finger then was introduced to the pick... I find playing with finger is easier but the sound isn't good...

So how to go about it?
Go with whichever's comfortable. Basically, If you're playing songs which use pick, use one (eg, Rock songs, Power Chords and stuff) but for times when you need fingers (Ballads, Acoustic parts) have them ready.

But really, learn the style from which you play. If its pick, learn to pick, if its fingerstyle, finger it :) . After you're versed in one style, then experiment with another style of picking/fingering.
a pick is good for your guitar playing. i used my fingers once and they hurt like hell man. the plectrum is your friend. get used to it lol. :lol:
It is better to have more tones and style in your guitar playing? Why limit yourself to just 1 style with the pick . Don't stop your progress just because of a little pain .


i think there are those plastic pick thingies that can be "worn" on ur fingers, so maybe wear one of those on ur third finger, and hold a normal pick with ur second and thumb? :D might work, just thought to give my 5c share
I play hybird for rhythm. Pick caught between index finger and thumbs to take care of the bass strings. Think part of the reason I play this way is being left handed, my right picking hand tends to be inaccurate and not as fast as I would like it to be. More fingers can "grasp" the strings.. feel safer haha. Then I started on classical guitar also, where picks are not used at all. But playing lead/solo I use picks.. easier to cut through I guess.

Whether you wanna use picks or fingers, its a personal choice.

Note that all these affect tone. Even different picks give you different tones. I prefer using them transparent acrylic picks, the Dunlop Big Stubby 3.0mm. Acrylic gives a brighter and snappier tone. If you use Jazz III's, its material tends to sound less bright and more mellow. So yeap, usage can vary per individual and even per song!