Finding the best way to use Tascam DM-24 with PC recording


New member
Ok guys,

My workplace has this Tascam DM-24 digital mixer:
I'm in the midst of getting infos on it's possibilities of using with a PC based recorder (software).

Refering to this rear diagram:

I know that there are 3 of TDIF-1 slots and I understand that it can only work for DAT recorders. BUT DAT RECORDERS ARE OUT OF THE QUESTIONS COZ they are very expensive and my workplace will surely cross out this proposal. Maybe luckily, they listed out the following accessories, taken form DM-24 page:
IF-AN/DM 8-channel balanced analog card
IF-TD/DM 8-channel TDIF digital card
IF-AD/DM 8-channel ADAT digital card
IF-AE/DM 8-channel AES-EBU digital card
IF-CS/DM Cascade card
IF-FW/DM FireWire Interface card

I suppose these are expansion cards which can be nicely slot in the slots 1 & 2 of DM-24.

Here are questions.
1) So is the 1st option IF-AN/DM 8-channel balanced analog card is the only correct option to connect up DM-24 to a PC? If not, any alternative way?
2) The PC will be having at least 4 input soundcard. Or does TASCAM has its special soundcard that works perfectly for DM-24?

hey dhalif, 2 of the Tascam or 2 of the MOTU?

would you like to tell us more about the set up?
Hiya soft,

It's for recording of voice, speech for teaching purposes (and some other else ;) ). Heheheh... I know we use Tascam DM-24 just for that... But what to do, the guy who is handling this so-called 'voice/ speech' studio didn't do his research properly and just 'hamtam' proposed and surprisingly he got that GREAT mixer just like that (wish it was for band recording) . And then now he is retiring soon so very likely that I'll be getting his task.

Your recommendation on is what I need. I knew I had read somewhere and didn't realise I would be searching for it until now. Thanks dude. Will read more about it and if it is all right, will get it into the proposal items list.
adidasman, if you are just recording no more than 8 tracks at 1 go, you can consider cheaper alternative. this is to help you optimise your budget. you could use the money to get

1. a better microphone (since you are recording voice only)
2. recording software for the computer
3. one of those Herman Miller chair
Heh.... what's up with that Herman Miller chair?! :D Give them normal pasar malam stool can already. :lol:

Yah.... it will be less than 8 tracks @ 1 time but also can't afford to do tracking by tracking coz these human speakers are already used to record Live and also can't afford to teach them how speak calmly. They aren't any professional speakers actually.

I'm planning that I will resort to tracking only when there are mistakes done. And I think I'm more familiar with software based recording so yeah, I will be scouting for software-based recording program. More easy to do editing too.

Anyway, how much is this motu 2408?