Finding cute or good looking members that are intrested in J-rock/J-pop.


New member
Hey all, I'm forming a J-rock& J-pop cover band and I'm searching for members. Me and my partner came out with requirements for joining and we hope that the members that join can be good looking or at least better than average ones as having looks is also an important thing for bands.

I would agree with playing any songs or additional genres our members have requested as long as i also think that the songs are nice.

Also any gender is welcome to join the band but the age requirement preferred would be 15-25.

Malays and indians are not really asked to join the band really sorry about that but my partner doesn't want malays and indians to join and i'm unsure why is that so, but, no worries any other ethnics are warmly welcomed:)

The posts available are lead guitarist, rhythmic guitarist, bassist and keyboardist(can also be without but best to have).

If any is interested, please PM me or text me at 85338562.Thank you so much for taking your time to read this post.:p
"we hope that the members that join can be good looking or at least better than average ones as having looks is also an important thing for bands"

oh blimey, i look like a train wreck....guess i have to pass....
You do realize this kind of requirements are very hard to come by?
i made my Jpop band and it took so many donkey years to get a lineup that suits every1s personality...

If got cute one i also want LOL
Are you all about looks or music? I personally find the requirements of the band quite a turn off and I feel that it doesn't speak very well of you guys. Don't judge others as there are no definitions of what is good looking. It's just how you perceive it.

Keep it open, nobody can choose how they want to look like. If I were you, I would rather have nerdy, non-musicians-looking kind of people who are masters of their own instruments rather than good-looking people who can't handle their instruments well at all. Having good looks doesn't earn my respect, playing an instrument well does.
Truth be told, this feels like a troll post. But I'll give the benefit of doubt.

TS is entitled to dictate whatever criteria they choose, I suppose.

This has to be the absolute worst place to pull this kind of stunt tho. You're better off going to a Japanese interest group / club, finding your 'cute' people, then playing air guitar to your favourite songs. Get wooden planks from Ikea and staple on rubber bands if it doesn't feel realistic enough.

I'm being perfectly serious, no flaming; you made no mention of any sort that you're looking for any minimum instrumental proficiency.

Hey all, I'm forming a J-rock& J-pop cover band and I'm searching for members. Me and my partner came out with requirements for joining and we hope that the members that join can be good looking or at least better than average ones as having looks is also an important thing for bands.

I would agree with playing any songs or additional genres our members have requested as long as i also think that the songs are nice.

Also any gender is welcome to join the band but the age requirement preferred would be 15-25.

Malays and indians are not really asked to join the band really sorry about that but my partner doesn't want malays and indians to join and i'm unsure why is that so, but, no worries any other ethnics are warmly welcomed

The posts available are lead guitarist, rhythmic guitarist, bassist and keyboardist(can also be without but best to have).
"we hope that the members that join can be good looking or at least better than average ones as having looks is also an important thing for bands"

Which dumbfound idiot told you that?
Actually,personally and frankly speaking i don't think Redname is good looking at all. If he is in this band, then all the others are good looking except him, then i guess he has to go for a make over. Just being honest here.
Actually,personally and frankly speaking i don't think Redname is good looking at all. If he is in this band, then all the others are good looking except him, then i guess he has to go for a make over. Just being honest here.


I'm not even the one who wanted a good looking band. are you farking blind?
LOL,dude i used "IF" can u relax? i tot u were answering the one above you, so actually it should be Azuneko,who is suppose to go for make over,perhaps an extreme one.
Malays and indians are not really asked to join the band really sorry about that but my partner doesn't want malays and indians to join and i'm unsure why is that so, but, no worries any other ethnics are warmly welcomed:)

TS,there are a small bunch of malays and Indians who are as fair as japanese and koreans,are they allowed if they r good looking?
ok, give it a rest...they have their own freedom to choose who they want to be with...does not bother us.
But seriously speaking...a band with all good looking people who cannot play is as good as trash...

mnnh, im forming a jrock band too :<
but hard to find the members QAQ
i need drummer, guitarist(best if lead, but if cannot then rythem is fine),bassit
._. by jrock u mean visual kei kinda? >.<
Thn why are those famous band members good looking ? and i tink being good looking is judge by humans. if not by humans thn who?