final year project


New member
ok.currently 3rd year at rp.
doing fyp stuffs.
and my group will be doing an mtv video.
so,just wanna ask if any bands wanna help us out.
we can talk it out.
anyone interested?
hey growlingsoulpup.

firstly we're from from rp.taking interactive digital and media.
currently we're finding bands which doesnt play hardcore songs.
we're finding bands that plays slow rock?indie?alternative and etc.
strictly no gore and stuffs.

secondly,we'll be making a webpage to put your profile,songs,videos.
its personal page and all yours.(depends on rp too)
but we still in the planning process.
we'll update you once we're done with that.

aye sure thing.just pm me yours.i'll add you up.


yeah.guess so.rp sure likes to tekan their students with interesting projects once they reach year 3..


replied to you.its gonna be difficult though.theres a list of interested bands.
my team will review any websites you guys have given.and we'll pick which bands really suits our idea and theme.