Filipino vocalist for Journey Band

Great story!

Folks should watch this video first.

Journey brings back lots of sweet memories for RoRK. It's also a pity that Steve Perry's become a recluse. Me thinks he's ballooned into a big-ass sized human golfball.

Filipinos have great singers!

The only way a Singaporean is going to make it is when a guitar gawd replaces John Petrucci. :rolleyes:
arnel is uber awesome...

i saw this man sing on youtube a few weeks ago and i was blown away...i kept watching all his videos again and again because i was so impressed with his vocal ability...

such a beautiful voice....
I've heard about him from a regular during my reservist but totally forgot when I came home..thanks for the link.
quoted vickomaniac; has an awesome voice.
im actually looking for their cd but it's all sold out wherever i've been :(

aquanaut's a big fan - got all the albums - PM him & ask him to burn U a copy loh ...