Festive Flea.Fly.Flo.Fun. Flea Market in Dec 2007


New member
Hey Ho and a Merry ole' Soul Everyone!

It's the festive season now and we're going festivist with HOME Club for our last Flea.Fly.Flo.Fun. Festival Flea Market of 2007. That's a lot of 'F's. But do join us to have a F&*^ing Fabulous Fun time digging for gold at our stalls and in your ears. In addition to our usual eclectric flea stalls and sweet sweet sweetmusic.fm on the decks to fill you fuzzy with tunes (warm, look for beer at the counter), we have tarot card readings and henna painting together with some mish and mash surprises from HOME Club to celebrate the X'mas season. Do drop by and of course, if you want a stall, just contact us. Stall rental details are as follows

Flea.Fly.Flo.Fun Festival Flea Market
Home Club
15th Dec 2007
$35 per stall

Thoes interested in setting up a stall do contact us and we'll send you the payment details.

Team FleaFly
http:// community.livejournal.com/fleaflyflofun