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MIM precision with warmoth fretless maple neck with brazillian rosewood, middle dimarzio model p pickup with parallel/series switching, added bridge dimarzio model p pickup reversed with parallel/series switching. All else is stock.


same bass, stock neck


1993 Fender precision plus
one doesn't have lines?
one looks better?
when one practices enough there's just no need to look at the fretboard while playing anymore?
Fret less bass is nice to play ...but you must be good wif your ears first !!
I like those acoustic fretless ... jamming slow trippy tunes in smokey cafe ..haaa
listen to Stu Hamm's bassline on Rubina (live in San Francisco)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vYJswf61-f4 in fact i'll just post it up for you guys.

that's some sweet fretless playing with spot on accuracy and using all those tasteful slides which really just make a regular bass 'sing' with so much more spirit!

you'll notice that in your fretted bass, anywhere you plan within the fret produces the same intonation. not so with the fretless, every slight shift and the intonation changes, giving it that much more range between intervals.

some double bass players you might wanna check out also are Dave Holland and Larry Grenadier (Brad Mehldau Trio)