Fender Stratocaster


New member
Hi. I am kinda new to a fender strat. So may I know what is the difference between all the difference in the strat (eg. Standard, Mexican..., American..., Vintage... and stuffs like that.)

And which strat is suitable for playing funk, blues and rock.
Hi, the diff between all the strats are the hardwares, pups etc. Diff between the standard and American is place of manufacture. Std = Mexico, American=US. Most strats are suitable for all the types of music you name. But if you're thinking about getting one to play rock, you can try considering getting one with a humbucker in the bridge, but that is up to individual preference. =D
Any strat would work, be it American or Mexican or Japanese made...for ur styles, I would recommend vintage output single coils on the neck and mid and a hotter bridge single coil for versatility :)
yeah strats are pretty versatile, just need to tweak your amp/effects settings to get a sweet tone out of it. i'm thinking of getting a mexican strat as well :(
Pick Up Combination

Neck: Dimarzio Area 67
Mid: Dimarzio Virtual Vintage 54 pro
Bridge: Dimarzio Fast Track 2

Is this a good combination?
So all standard strat are Mexican?

About the quote about, i don't really get what it means.

Sorry and thanks.

well i meant that u can have a single coil sized humbucker (my bad) in the bridge of a 3 single coil strat if u want more versitality out of it. or u can still get the strat with a humbucker in the bridge.

hmmm abt ur pickup combi, do take note that the fst track 2 is rather hot, like a hotter than vintage humbucker. u'd wanna lower the pickup profile if u dun wanna hear a jolt in vol when u flick to the bridge :p
Oh yah, forgot about the American Standard ones as well..they have better components and features as compared to their Mexican counterparts but the Mexicans are no slouches either..I played the Mexican ones b4 :)
i did a bit of research recently,
as well as own an Am st and MIM

IMO, the main concern should be the playability, and this directly points back the nut width.American stds are of 43mm wide while MIMs are 42mm.

if you have smaller palm, short fingers, the better option will be MIM or MIJ as
they manu neck in 42mm version.this will benefits if your playing require far stretching and shredding movement.and MIM are getting a lot of attentions these days as they are really wel-made, compared to the past.
Made in Mex vs. Japan vs. US is over rated.... Just hear the sound of strat and if it is comfy to you, then buy it! :)

I have a Made in US strat that i still think can be compared to its Made in Japan Strat =)
Made in Mex vs. Japan vs. US is over rated.... Just hear the sound of strat and if it is comfy to you, then buy it! :)

I have a Made in US strat that i still think can be compared to its Made in Japan Strat =)

nothnig to shout abt with the AM std,
ideally i think for asian player, and MIJ is good enough ( plus it doesnt burn the pockets):)

i am selling off my lefty AM std. pity to see it go but then heck it, i am going for a MEX tele

(Tele is my girl)