Fender Standard Telecaster (From All 3 Countries)


New member
Yes! Fender Telecasters! The Ugliest,most Beautiful,Best Sound,Worst Sound and so on so forth guitar. To many people, this guitar shape is ugly, while some thinks its marvelous.

Well, first thing first. Lets talk about the Telecaster Standard. It is made in 3 countries, America, Mexico and Japan.

American Fenders are claimed to produce the best Fenders ever, with high QC, good stock parts,electronics and so on so forth.But they cost very expensive.

Mexico is claimed to be the worst in the past decade with pathetic QC, sometimes with spoilt inlays, wood chips and so on. In recent terms, like maybe 2006 to now, their QC is getting higher and more quality products are produced.
Cost about 300-400 dollars less than american made.(depends on which model)

And Lastly, the faved Crafted In Japan Fenders. To my opinion, i think Tele Standard frm japan is quite rare. never really actually seen one up close b4. So i wont really comment on this. But, the price is good! And QC is excellent. Like all these Japanese cars VS Oriental Cars. Japan still win right?(on some models only) They are budget at a reasonable cost of about like $900-$1200.

Ok! Let me tell u my brief history how i got to know about Fender Stnd Teles.

I was a gibson person. Everything must be gibson. I wanted a gibson les paul, gibson sg and so on. Then one day, my uncle let me try his Fender Tele Stnd Usa. It really blew me out of my mind. the feel, the sound, tone and everything was so great! It was so clean and dry! Great for British Pop, Rock and solo guitarist music. Blues was also excellent on it!

So now We take a look at 5 factors to rate the over all upon 50 marks.

This axe is value for money. Dun waste ur pathetic 3k-5k on a gibson lespaul. what a waste of money seriously. i would use the rest of the 2k to do something more productive.

Rating 9/10

Some people do not really like the shape. and the only problem is, there will be some difficulty reaching the 15-22 frets onwards. But if u really play blues and whatso ever, the 3-9 frets is all u need.

Rating 8/10

This baby is made for clean tone with some blues driver. dun be like slipknot and play some crappy stuff with a tele. really urks me and pisses me off. y would they want to do that? Good for songs from santana like black magic women, evil ways, africa bamba and so on. Also good for some songs like Since I've Been Loving You by Led Zepp.

Rating 9/10

Will last for more than 2 decades.And Gig, and jam for long long time.

Rating 10/10

I do not have one. but my uncle has. i'll be getting a mexican stnd soon. But my impression of it is really excellent. lots of good things can be said abt this. But you have to try it for urself. The feeling is really cant be said explained by words.

Rating 9/10

Total 45/50

So i've really hoped this is useful for my first review

What a coincidence. I'm gonna get a Fender CIJ Tele soon (hopefully). Can't afford the USA ones and the Mexican ones don't have rosewood fretboard (a must for me!).

Tat being said, u can play all kinds of music with it if u can tweak it correctly. Punk and hard rock too in addition to the genres that u mentioned. :)
oh im so sorry mod for posting before consulting!!! i really didnt read the sticky! hope u can forgive me.

oh and sorry about the broken english. my english not very good.
and if u have other things to share, just post it. well, it good to have everyones' opinion right?
What a coincidence. I'm gonna get a Fender CIJ Tele soon (hopefully). Can't afford the USA ones and the Mexican ones don't have rosewood fretboard (a must for me!).

Tat being said, u can play all kinds of music with it if u can tweak it correctly. Punk and hard rock too in addition to the genres that u mentioned. :)

i think usa n mexi has rosewood.
n i never tried punk on teles b4. i dun really like punk. hahas
I'll say a MIJ teles are definitely worth the money.Not sure the difference between a CIJ and MIJ but I own a MIJ telecaster custom 72.definitely loving it and has made me ignore my les paul(epiphone) all together.haha..

TYMC is the only source in singapore for MIJ teles i guess.
Well, first thing first. Lets talk about the Telecaster Standard. It is made in 3 countries, America, Mexico and Japan.

American Fenders are claimed to produce the best Fenders ever, with high QC, good stock parts,electronics and so on so forth.But they cost very expensive.

Mexico is claimed to be the worst in the past decade with pathetic QC, sometimes with spoilt inlays, wood chips and so on. In recent terms, like maybe 2006 to now, their QC is getting higher and more quality products are produced.
Cost about 300-400 dollars less than american made.(depends on which model)

And Lastly, the faved Crafted In Japan Fenders. To my opinion, i think Tele Standard frm japan is quite rare. never really actually seen one up close b4. So i wont really comment on this. But, the price is good! And QC is excellent. Like all these Japanese cars VS Oriental Cars. Japan still win right?(on some models only) They are budget at a reasonable cost of about like $900-$1200.

no offence but lots of baseless comment you've made.
I got to agree with Rhizopus.. And how can you compare a Les paul with a tele like that. To each his own man. Cheers! :)
your review are very good. but you make lot of baseless comment. like, i dont tink it iz corrects to lump all the telecaster 2ge+her like dat.
that's true. CIJ guitars are known by the year the guitars are modeled after. for example, the '62 strat or '72 tele. there's no standard tele for CIJs.

it seems to me like you have only played one tele, you uncle's MIA. you've obviously never played a CIJ. even though you're right in saying that they're excellent. quite a lot of generalisations in your "review".

you should just review your uncle's MIA tele (i assume it's an Am Std, since you said standard tele) instead of stating whatever you read on the internet. it's review not regurgitate what you read.
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so is the ST72 Strat a repro of a 1972 Strat?

i didn't say repro. they are just modeled after that year. they're not reissues. modeled as in, for example, the thinline telecaster with the model TN72 (i believe) is named as such because of the '72 thinline tele. and the TC72 has the "72" because of the '72 tele custom, which it is modeled after, not a reissue of. (sigh, i have to be extremely careful with my words now)

so they do have differences. in the '72s' case, quite a bit, in terms of the lacquer finish and the fact that the ST72 has a basswood body, whereas it is usually alder/ash. and of course, the pickups. hell, even american vintage RI's do not have the exact same specs, let alone the CIJ models, which are not reissues.

however, the CIJs are extremely powerful in terms of their cost/performance ratio, which beats the american guitars, due to their lower price tag with comparison to the americans.

trying to trick me ar, subversion...

on a side note, i'm really gassing for a thinline tele...maybe i can try to find a thinline body to use with my strat neck. but that would be incredibly difficult to find.
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difficulty from 15th fret onwards? think i would have thrown my teles all out the window long ago if it were so..

blues only require 3rd to 9th fret? SRV must have been playing shred metal then..

there are teles that have lasted for 50 plus yrs..just need to check out ebay and you'll know...

oh and one more thing..teles are one of the most versatile beasts ever produced..if jim root wants 'massacre' the tele by doing that its his business..if you want to be purist about teles then practically nothing nowadays besides reissues are pure teles..22 frets, 6section bridges, modern radii and frets etc etc...