Fender Precision or Epi Tbird?

the Epi T-bird sounds more accomodating with distortion/ OD.

in any case, there's no 'better', it's a matter of personal preference.
Fender or EPI

which is better? a fender precision 60th or a Epi goth Tbird.
Base on wood,pickups sounds,quality?

It's true that everything will boil down to the matter of preference, but given this two options (just between this two bass) i'd go for the Fender, versatile and never goes out of style.
yes, we must address relevance instead of 'which is better'?

the fact that Fender's P-bass is still an in-demand instrument has very much to do with the reputation it established coupled with the fact that it pretty much does well with any music setting.
versatile sound..i got a fender pbass..someone wanna trade with it for a epi tbird..so i need ur opinions
Thunderbird guru would give a biased account la! Haha! But it's, like everyone said, a matter of preference... Try the other and see if it matches or exceeds your expectations ah.. :)
Fender PBass or Epi

I'd still say, go for the PBass, and get a second Jazz Bass from Fender, that will be a very good combo to bring along on gigs...

For stock pickups, i'd say fender is still the one for me.

Though i would easily trade it with a Gibson Lucille f-hole (semi-hollow), sure damn heavy, but i like it. :twisted::twisted:
i don't see how a Gibson hollowbody guitar would fit in here..

nasrul, your questions really very subjective la. you've already played both, so that should already give you an answer. listen keenly to both, see which one you like, settle with it.

or buy both.
if you tried or heard both and have totally no preference nothing whatsover to choose between them, go for the looks. seriously
haha..if im going for looks i wont be asking this qns in the 1st place.
yep listen through those sounds again and yet still can decide.
but maybe i'll stick to my fender.
if not y would i buy it in the 1st place..
and fender is worth much more. agree?
lol Fender worth much more ah? case by case basis la.. bound to be inconsistencies in the QC. don't overlook even if it's American.
yeah 60th ann p bass is not bad lah, but whether or not it is better than an epi tbird is arguable... after all they are more or less within the same price range

i think you would agree that the p-bass and tbird tones are quite different... but maybe you could be indifferent if you think you could live with or make either tone work for you.

some people have an ideal tone in their head and buy basses with the intention of finding something as close to it as possible. as for me, i like to work with what i have and visualize how i can make that tone work with my rig. as for the rest of my rig, i do have a certain expectations about how my effects and such should sound. but that's just me

there are other things to look out for such as build quality - this is a case by case basis as bro tidesofblood mentioned. also try strapping it on and feel which is more comfortable. comfort ought to affect they way you play. i'd imagine there's be a big difference in that aspect as well

either way there are certain characteristics of both basses which favour many bassists out there, so going back to your original question, i'd say there's not much to choose in between, and its down to preference :D
pbass is light and comfy..coz i love to get crazy on stage..for the tbird i tried and itz heavy..kinda bring me down abit..price range i thought fender is more expensive then tbird