Fender Mustang II or the Roland Cube 30X??


New member
Heyyo Peeps,

Like what the title says, i was wondering which amp would be better because i've read reviews and both sounds good (pun intended :D ) and now i can't decide which to get, although from forums and stuff, mostly preferred the cube. I play mostly rock, metal and maybe blues but i would like to explore other genres such as jazz and acoustic etc. Any suggestions? :) Greatly appreciate it!
Have you tried it?

Have you played with the controls and the different amp models, the effects, and their usability?

Try it at soft/bedroom/loud? With headphones?

The various sounds you can get from both amps allows you to explore other genres freely, which is good. If you're looking to explore, keep in mind that the Clean channel extends to jazz/blues/funk/country and many many others. Tone is in the fingers here. Don't be limited by the amp models, eg. The "Metal" model on the Cube at low gain doesn't sound too bad. Cheers.
Better try them before asking here...

Fenders sound more digital for that range of amps.. Cubes are better... but both are not for metal at all

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