Fender Mexican Standard Telecaster V.02 (Refurbished form Xinjiapor)


New member
I'm a fan of Telecasters, and yes Xinjiapor has posted a good review of the Standed Telecaster. But, he didn't really did a good job describing about it. So I'll do a proper one for him.

I'll just play as a neutral party. I would just talk about the Mexican Standard Telecaster

Price $1284.
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The Telecaster also has its counterparts made in USA and Japan. But I'll just talk about the Mexican one. Like is stated on top.

Let me describe the guitar in 3 parts grading 10 marks each.

1. Features

This Guitar, made from any of the 3 countries,has a standard of
-2 single coil pickup
-3 way switch
-Tone and Volume Knob
-Available in many different Colours. Check the Fender website. Not all colours may be available from certain Countries

Very clean and easy feel. Frets are easy to reach, may have slight difficulty from 14th fret onwards, as the body may block. Good for playing both, siting and standing.

Features are very typical like others Teles. Some may not like the shape though.

Rating 8/10

2. Sound

Basically, you can play any genre with this guitar. Of course the trademark of it is Blues, Country, etc. But I've tried it with some rock bands like Guns N' Roses, Velvet Revolver. It Sounded quite good.

Example Of Genres
-UK Tweed
-Classic Rock
-Rock N' Roll
-Alt. Rock
-Punk (Avril Lavigne uses a Tele)
-Metal (Surprising Slipknot uses it)

Overall, the sound can't be explained. You should go down to test it, to get the feel. Everyone has his/her's views.

Rating 9/10

3.Durability and Value of Money

Yes. Its durable. If you take care and maintain it, it may last up to 2 decades or more.

Value of Money? Its up to you to decide. For me, I'll say Yes ( For all 3 countries. All is value of cash)

Rating 9/10

So this is my review of the Mexican Standard Telecaster. It has definitely improved from the past. Its QC has indeed increased a lot and they are getting better and better. Can compete with the Japanese counterpart, but still far from the American in ways of QC, quality and so on.

But over all, It will be a 26/30 for my rating.

Thnx For Reading
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Question. how did you conduct this Review and what were your opinions of this guitar based on? Also, Do you have a fender telecaster?
Question. how did you conduct this Review and what were your opinions of this guitar based on? Also, Do you have a fender telecaster?

i have a mexican standard tele and i read xinjiapor's review. i felt it wasnt very good as he didnt really talk about his guitar but shared more of his opinion. so i decided to talk about the guitar that i already had for the past 1 1/2 years. yep hope i can clarify with this post.

G for G!
let our own product opinion be ours to share, not a negative reflection of someone else's. if a prior review is lacking in many ways then leave constructive notes in the relevant thread.
let our own product opinion be ours to share, not a negative reflection of someone else's. if a prior review is lacking in many ways then leave constructive notes in the relevant thread.

nah! its ok! i think i also didnt do a very good job. hahas
glad you did not take it to heart...
-Alt. Rock
-Punk (Avril Lavigne uses a Tele)
-Metal (Surprising Slipknot uses it)

both avril lavigne and Jim Root (slipknot) uses humbuckers. In fact, Jim Root's guitar has EMG 81 and 60.

I like the telecaster shape though. And Jim Root's guitar is nice
But for this review, you are reviewing a standard telecaster with standard single coil pickups... you can't just say avril and jim root play this telecaster... In fact, they had humbuckers on them... So this might make those who are new to guitar to confuse that telecaster are meant for everything...