Sub, it seems like it's the 10-watter, which points me to the Backstage ... unfortunately I did not look at it closely when it was shown to me. I'd probably just get a Microcube to replace it, if it doesn't perform well.
The reviews I've seen (IIRC on places like ultimate-guitar) are scant, but did not paint a good picture. But I guess you get what you pay for ... the guitars by themselves are already excellent value at the sale prices, and though the amp could be icing on the cake (wouldn't it be unreal if they threw in a Microcube ? :wink: ), that's ok, at least it's useful for people who don't have an amp to start with.
jet86, could you post a short review if you do get around to trying it out ? Or maybe sub can do a more comprehensive review (I "hate" reading your reviews here ! Weakens my resistance to buying lots of gear ! ) :lol: