Fender Bronco Amp


New member
Hi people

Anyone here owns a Fender Bronco...it's small tweed 15W solidstate.
What's ur opinion of this amp and any soundclips?

wow... i tried this amp like more than 10yrs ago. it has limited volume capacity, max it out, it's still not loud enough...

however, if you plan to use it at home strictly, then it might be a good acquisition.
Hi Sub

Thanx for the reply. Read some good review abt that amp. Is it too much treble or more to bass side..the amp u tried.
There's a sound clip posted by one of softies but the link has expired.
Can u anyone post a link of Bronco sound clips

i almost bought that amp but gave it a miss- it's not particularly strong in any frequencies. the mere mention of this amp just brings back memories... back then, swee lee was @ the current art friend (rear) location, & PARK amps were quite popular...


sorry to have steered off a bit...
Hi Union...

I own this amp, it suits my purpose well for home practice use. 15 watts, clean and overdrive channels. But I only use the clean channel I've got effects for my distortion tones. I'll be happy to post some clips for you, but I'm in the midst of midterms now. They will be over next wed... I'll post them then if you still want some :)
Hi SoulJ

Yeah, I saw ur clip but it's expired. PM me pls. I've tried at my pal's place..the distortion is heavy but a bit too sharp..lots of treble.

Sub, what do u mean by the frequency range is not wide? Park..hmm..korean branch of Marshall amps, rite? I tink now Smarvo is more popular.

it's not about width- this amp has no incliniations towards any frequencies. it works better with pedals, definitely.

PARK amps- yup, but they are made in India...
Yeah sub I remember the park amps, pretty nice stuff and much better sounding than their peavey counterparts, ala. Blazer 158s ;)
he he, i used to own the Peavey 158- it wasn't too bad. but on that day, i decided to buy the Bullet Reverb amp as oppossed to the Bronco as i was kinda stunned by the former's clean voicing + volume 8)
here ya go...

Theses are just done for tone representations sake, and by no means an accurate representation of my playing at 1am after 6 hours of scooping ice cream.

http://d13.yousendit.com/E/2MZB2BREMGRA638BD7L3YQHM5W/fender broco clean with neck hum.wav

http://d13.yousendit.com/E/27R1NR1RBZC822EJO4KB05I6OH/fender broco dist with neck hum.wav

These were done with an ibanez jem FP, paf pro humbuckers, straight to amp, no effects. The distorted channel I'm running at about 8 on gain, the thing goes to 12!

As you can probably hear the amp is clearly a solid state, it's not VERY touch responsive. But it does a really good job IMHO.

Sleeping time for me now, exams tomorrow! :)


Union said:

I got this Bronco clips frm a fellow softie. Just wanna share wif u.
He uses a strat to Bronco amp...no efx.
Two clips..one clean and one wif amp distortion.
I lOVE the tones!!




hi, any idea what strat is being used? being looking for this kind of bluesy sound for awhile, any ideal which model of strat the player is using? What pickups?
SoulJah said:
here ya go...

Theses are just done for tone representations sake, and by no means an accurate representation of my playing at 1am after 6 hours of scooping ice cream.

http://d13.yousendit.com/E/2MZB2BREMGRA638BD7L3YQHM5W/fender broco clean with neck hum.wav

http://d13.yousendit.com/E/27R1NR1RBZC822EJO4KB05I6OH/fender broco dist with neck hum.wav

These were done with an ibanez jem FP, paf pro humbuckers, straight to amp, no effects. The distorted channel I'm running at about 8 on gain, the thing goes to 12!

As you can probably hear the amp is clearly a solid state, it's not VERY touch responsive. But it does a really good job IMHO.

Sleeping time for me now, exams tomorrow! :)



WOW Christopher...my jaws dropped when I hear ur distortion ver of Bronco. There's Vai painted everywhere on dat clip!!!!!!!
Me like it!!!! man..I tink I should get a Jem soon..the tone is sooo sweet
The cleans are ok ok....
Read ur blog...u girlfriend bought dat Jem for u isit? Hmm... I'll ask my wife for one hehehe.

Thanx for sharing, bro!!!

Slip, he uses a Custom Strat(maple/ashbody) and kent armstrong pick ups.
Thanks for your comments bro, you're too kind.:)

The guitar was bought by my dad around 10 years ago. That thing on my blog is a paper cut out done by my girlfriend to resemble my guitar, for valentine's day. :)

One thing I really like about the amp is that it goes pretty damn good with effects, very nice transparent tone.

Glad you enjoyed the clip.

All the best on the amp!


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