Female Vocalist wanted


New member
As title, we're looking for a female vocalist to play in a rock band. Our current lineup includes a bass player(me), 2 guitarists and a drummer. We're doing mainly originals. The other members are experienced and are nice people to hang out with so you don't have to worry about not being able to mix. If you're shy because you're a beginner, don't worry, I am too, and the band would love to grow together and learn from each other (though I'm doing most of the learning from them xP). We usually jam in a fully equipped home studio so you don't have to worry about money. And we'll love to play songs that you've penned. =D

Looking for a vox who:
-Has a powerful voice
-Able to commit to weekly jamming sessions (expect higher frequency when gigs are nearing)
-Stage presence is a huge bonus

Examples of the originals: http://www.youtube.com/user/TenchiFX#p/u/0/YnrhKPe9Ivk

Contact me, KB, through SOFT or my hp number, 92213807. We hope to be able to play with you soon =)
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