female drummers


new to soft here!
hey its been really hard finding fellow female drummers to practise and grow with,
let alone other female musicians (eg. guitarist etc)

How about a DRUMMERS MEET-UP specially for FEMALE DRUMMERS?!


Hello. I knew this post was made in 2007 but dats okay!
personally i think since the column in 'all about singing' under Musicians Market in soft got those vocal meetups events held at ktvs, perhaps we can do the same here? means gal drummers all meet up, go and book a studio and exchange tips and interact.

We can then each prepare a song to play . maybe mp3s in hp then hold near microphone or what to amplify the sound. haha or ipods with portable speakers to blast while we play along with the song?

If we all are influenced by different styles of playing then it should be fun and perhaps we can pick up new techniques and skills from each other.

Just a thought /suggestion.

feel free to reply.

whips & lashes,
Hey there!

I just started drumming about 3 months ago, so I don't have any experience playing with the band as a drummer.

But I do have some experiences while playing with my band as a guitarist. So I will give my feedback from a guitarist point of view.

I played with many different bands and they all have many different attitudes. Honestly, usually the drummers are nicest. Well, don't ask me why.
Anyways, humans make mistakes.. I did, my bassist did, my drummer did.
No matter how pro you are, you will still make a booboo when the nerves hit. So don't worry about it. :)

If you were my drummer, I wouldn't blame you if we got eliminated from some competition when you think you had made a mistake. Well, it might not be you, it might be the vocalist or the bassist or even me. Or that the judges thought that the band has no chemistry at all.

Well, communication and click-ness is pretty important in a band. Other than jamming, a band should try hanging out doing something non music related. It will strengten the band bond!! And if you feel unhappy in the band, talk about it. Keeping it in will disrupt your performance.

Anyway, it nice to meet you! :)
Nice meeting you! Quick reply! :)

Hey there!

Anyways, humans make mistakes.. I did, my bassist did, my drummer did.
No matter how pro you are, you will still make a booboo when the nerves hit. So don't worry about it. :)

>>> Thanks for the encouragement! I really really need that!
I actually screwed up all the songs in one audition because I feel unwell on that day and somehow got very nervous when I saw another person auditioning b4 me. haha mainly i shld have no problems playing their kinda songs cos I can drum fast but dat day everything screwed up and i hit a wrong stroke for one song, causing the whole song to go lopsided :P
and in another audition there's so much interruption i cant play at all. However there's one band dat's okay but they require more technical on bass drum, more variations, which i cant do very well.

(quote)If you were my drummer, I wouldn't blame you if we got eliminated from some competition when you think you had made a mistake. Well, it might not be you, it might be the vocalist or the bassist or even me. Or that the judges thought that the band has no chemistry at all.

>> man I wouldn't mind being ur drummer haha. I think if a drummer were to join a band which has been jamming for some time then they may be more picky. however, if it's a whole new band with new members then should be mainly no problem cos all can improve together and also get to know each other better as both bandmates and frens.

(quote)Well, communication and click-ness is pretty important in a band. Other than jamming, a band should try hanging out doing something non music related. It will strengten the band bond!! And if you feel unhappy in the band, talk about it. Keeping it in will disrupt your performance.

>>>However in my previous bands,only me and bassist fren have the same thinking as you, hang up with members doing non-music related stuff, but usually everyone scoots off soon after jamming (cos of galfrens, etc..sad...)

Anyway, it nice to meet you! :)

may I know are you living in a HDB flat? If so, how do you ensure that the neighbourhood wont call police when u start playing drums? I know there's a time allowance and everything, but just asking to satisfy my curiosity? put pads on the drums to soften the sound? etc... anyway thanks 4 ur reply.

Good night
may I know are you living in a HDB flat? If so, how do you ensure that the neighbourhood wont call police when u start playing drums? I know there's a time allowance and everything, but just asking to satisfy my curiosity? put pads on the drums to soften the sound? etc... anyway thanks 4 ur reply.

Good night

Hey nice to meet you too!

Okay, yeah I live in a HDB and when i first bought the drums, I bought some drum paddings hoping it would reduce some noise produce. But then I hated how the drums sounds, and padded cymbals is no good. And they don't come cheap. Tsk tsk tsk.
So i decided to call some contractors and build a soundproof room and I pasted some eggtrays on the wall too,for added "protection" and decoration!:p
My friends drop by sometimes to jam, and no complains so far.

Oh yeah, meeting up fellow drummers would be cool!
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Hi, how much did you pay for the soundproofing? what did they do exactly?
which company did u approach? normal contractors or..

Hope I wont bore you with my questions..

good day,
Sephira: No no no. No problem at all.;)

The soundproofing was $1200. And since the contractor is a good friend of my uncle, I got a 50% discount and was also given installment plans. :p
$1200 is expensive to me. I'm no rich spoilt brat and I pay for the room with my own earnings. But I had to build the room cos I gave up my room just for the drums and guitars and all, so I'm like desperate for a room.

Okay I have a quite big hall, so the hall was somewhat "cut" into half. One half is the remaining hall and the other half's the music room. And they put up some thick strong wood first and then some pad-like foam on the wood and wood again and foam again and it goes on like layered cake!

As for the company name, I have no idea cos my uncle was the one who liaise with them:p
The soundproof thing is pretty good. It sounded very much like those jamming rooms from outside.

Hope this helps!
Or you may wanna pm me your msn add so we could chat?

FGL: Alamak you. Haha. I don't know about the looks but one thing's for sure is that I'm gonna adopt a kid when I'm financially stable and legal enough. No I'm not following HER style but my dad's, so I can give those kids a chance in life. ;)
FGL: Alamak you. Haha. I don't know about the looks but one thing's for sure is that I'm gonna adopt a kid when I'm financially stable and legal enough. No I'm not following HER style but my dad's, so I can give those kids a chance in life. ;)

yes...and thats why we must meet to discuss this further :mrgreen:

ahem - some ppl say I look like Brad Pitt ...
Ah yes...interesting.
Cool! We've got someone who looks like Brad Pitt in Soft!

I actually fell in love with Brad when I saw him play as Achilles in Troy cos I love Achilles. But his huge muscles' a turn off.

Too bad i don't like guys with muscles. Or I would try to hit on you Mr-Brad-Pitt lookalike!! :D
Ah yes...interesting.
Cool! We've got someone who looks like Brad Pitt in Soft!

I actually fell in love with Brad when I saw him play as Achilles in Troy cos I love Achilles. But his huge muscles' a turn off.

Too bad i don't like guys with muscles. Or I would try to hit on you Mr-Brad-Pitt lookalike!! :D

but I'm Brad WITHOUT THE MUSCLES .... :mrgreen:

Oh dear!!!

NO muscles. Good!!!

Eh, I bet Brad Pitt won't dare to do that. Unless he's drunk. Are you? Haha