faulty/broken/dead texas special pick up


New member
i got a dead texas specials pick up which i already replaced with a duncan. But im just wondering whether it is possible to repair it (if its not expensive of cost hehe). anyone can do it? bring back the dead..
rewinding needed - chuck it

BTW - SEEMS NOWDAYS A LOTTA OF FENDER PICK UPS SPOIL EASILY - MY vintage noiseless bridge just died too as well my my friend's Am Standard bridge ..

standard droppinor what boy?????
so guys, which duncan or dimarzio sound close to the texas specials? anyone can give recommendations. kinda scared to buy a fender pick up again, but i miss the high output.
Whether can repair or not have to open up and see. If lucky, resolder will do, if not you have to rewind the thing.

Sometimes the magnet plays a part. Over years the magnet might lose some strength and result in weak performance.

By the way did you try to modify the guitar?