Fatskunks Live at Hard Rock Cafe!

perplexed: hahaha...see u there man!

for420: Suicide Girls with heart shaped nips. otak kau. u wish...haha

ok i wish for that too. :lol:
it is tonite!!

Tonight!! Wee dieee in HECK!
last call! those who come today will get to see me in new shirt!

haiya i need to promote better than this.
aww brain failure ur not in singapore :(

big thanks to everyone who came jst now, lotta names to recall but you guys noe who u are. FatCat, azlan and zephyr thank you guys so mch for being our "assistants"..without you guys i don't think we cud've had a smooth day today.

thank you also to James and Hard Rock Cafe for organising this wonderful series. May we see more bands up on that stage..awesome platform!

for420, lambat la lu..haha. nxt time we come up with a tshirt for those interested.hehe.
thanks for the presence dude!

once again, from the bottom of our hearts, we thank you.

takde pun suicide girls? :twisted: yang penting, the people bisa happy... great set. viva la raza from singapura! :lol:
ah ah! suicide girls dont have sia..

ah ah la azlan, reggaeman la.. hehe.. sorry sorry.my brain sort ah dude. ehe

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