Face to a musician's name


New member
I dunno if this is a good idea haha, but wouldn't it be refreshing to see photographs of people who post here? Of course, this has to be a voluntary exercise, so don't reply if you wish to stay 'invisible' :D

Lemme try and see if yahoo photos work here:

yahoo photos dont like me, angelfire dont like me. Any ideas people? help.

hahah ok i'm following your example.

that's my guitar


and that's me


haha sry i don't have a full shot of me and my guitar. and my cam's kinda stuffed up. ahahha :lol: :lol:
i dunno!
hahah yeah they were kinda huge eh? thats why i took them off and put the link.


hmm. to post the pic? click the "Img" button on top under the subject box. then put the URL of your pic. then click "IMG" again.

Or just go to www.imageshack.us and host your image. then copy and paste the stuff in the box where it says "Hotlink your image on forums and message boards."

yup hope i've helped! :D
Lefty! Do you play right handed guitars strung up normally or inverted order? Just curious (and too old to see the pic clearly) :oops:
I've gotten the right handed guitar re-strung. I meant to play it the regular right handed way when i got it. then i realised my right hand is too wonky and can't hold the pick for nuts, so I got the guitar re-strung.

Now saving up for a proper lefty! Fender strat, maybe? :)
Nice. although i dont play guitar, i must salute you for choosing the strat haha. I dunno if youre a tone-freak, but if you are, do check out Stevie Ray Vaughn if you haven't already! Its Blues to the max! Very nice clean tone. Wish basses could sound like that in upper registers... :evil:
i couldnt help but notice that out of 290 views on this thread, only 4 people ended up posting pics (well rotten tried :p ) haha so many ninjas and voyeurs!! Joking ah!

Hi paul man! I noticed you have 2 strats the last time i saw you. Hmm i'll post a question to all on another thread. Peace! :D

yah lor... lemme try again

I'm currently playing bass in LGF, a Chinese pop/rock outfit. I'm currently using a "relic-ed" (read: beatup) Musicman Stingray. It's supposed to be blueburst, but its turned green over the years....


Just visit our band's website if that red cross comes out again!

iansoh said:
where and when was that bass clinic? and whats that bass you're holding?

Just a simple presentation @ republic poly thru a lobang friend. Um my bass is a Marleaux. Got it long ago in SG. www.marleaux-bass.de Enjoy!

Hi RottenRamone,

Nice choice of basses there man, its just what i'm G.A.S-sing over heh :)