EXTREME Saudades de Rock!

available at local stores already?!!
saw some youtube clips of their recent performances...nuno is still as awesomestest as ever...=D
I went to HMV today to buy their new album, and apparently the staff there told me that they will not be releasing it here. He told me that I could place an order with them if I wanted to. That's sad!! :(

I'm not sure if other music stores like grammaphone etc will import it in or not. Not too many Extreme fans here I guess. I have already heard some of their new material and it's really good! Nuno's guitar riffs are still as blazing hot and Gary's voice is as good as before.

Really hope someone brings it in or I will have to buy it online. Anyone seen it anywhere yet?
i asked last week n the staff told me they would bring in earliest this week.
anyway i'll check with my fren who works in hmv.

if they're not bringing in, any interest for MO? i checked with hmv jap website, they quote 1647yen, tat's the discounted price for buying 3 imported cds...so tat's bout 20+...shipping won't be too much. ordered from them b4, takes bout 1 week only.


anywayz...lemme know if u're interested...i'll buy it even w/o MO anyway...peace...
v (-.-) v
Alright bro, do get back to me when you find out. I don't mind ordering it from japan or wherever. Best is they sell it here locally. It's really an awesome album! WoW! Trust me you'll love it haha.