Explosions in London

yeah i just saw it on the news. omg. this is so bad. they must've timed it to go off today because of the G8 meetings in Gleneagles.

i have a feeling if it'd gone off yesterday it would've had a greater psychological impact on the world and the U.K. in particular, because of the crowd.

(but even if it'd gone off yesterday, London would still have won the Olympics 2012. the IOC would've refused to let the terrorists win by inducing fear into the world community, and they'd have not only given London the Olympics 2012, they'd have been even stronger in their resolve to hold it there.)

but man, this is awful. i was at college when 9/11 happened and i had a lot of friends with family in NYC and Boston, and i had personal friends in NYC who worked in the towers (who were luckily not IN the towers when the planes hit) and like, shit this is quite the tragedy. honestly, terrorists need to grow up and cut it out. it's really upsetting. how can anybody think killing a bunch of civilians is just?
the world is so advanced...ppl are going up to space and such...and there terrorist are doing such childish shit trying to prove their existence...wad a way to mark history...
it's all the work of man, of people.
Humans harming other humans. People who are made up of the same things, blood, bones, muscles, cells...
What drives these people to act so inhumanly towards others who are exactly the same as them?

its really sad.
my prayers are to those affected. this is really an act that disregarded human life. Really condemn this attacks, i still think London should win the Olympic bid, i mean even if Moscow or Paris won, do you think it would be much safer? the terrorists are so notorious, they could attack anywhere, yes including singapore.
hmmm.... i read somewhere that the reason that they r doing this is actually to weaken the gov of the attacked nation by creating fear n distrust in the ppl......

so its like a political attack but human casulties is juz a by product....

personally i don tink terrorism will end, at least not in the near future.... so i'm not too suprised by this attack.... its really sick though to do such things juz to get revenge...
speculation is that it's because of the G-8 meeting hosted by tony blair, nothing to do wtih the london olympic bid
just as Blair was pressing for more aid for Africa at the g8 summit, he had to be called back.
I hope Bob Geldof and co's efforts would not be in vain.
it's all the work of man, of people.
Humans harming other humans. People who are made up of the same things, blood, bones, muscles, cells...
What drives these people to act so inhumanly towards others who are exactly the same as them?

its really sad.
we heard you the first time nic :)

the terrorists are in their own way, getting back at decades of perceived oppression by Israel and the US.
dont forgot some of these terrorists were forced out of ur home by strangers...the israeli-palestinian war that time. then due to similar faith terrorists allianced.
Serj is right. post 9/11 i was arguing the same things that he wrote about. i've always been against this "war on terror", so to speak, because i think it was a move by Bush to satisfy US public demand for swift justice. i mean, i don't really think he had much of an alternative...it's hard to sit back when your people get killed, and carry out a really thorough investigation. mostly you just want to make sure it doesn't happen again so you set out to punish someone (maybe anyone) really publicly, as a demonstration of "you f*ck with me and i'll kill everyone in your damn country", ala Pax Romana.

but back to the war on terror, i don't believe it was done after a thorough investigation, and i'm quite sure this "pre-emptive strike" nonsense is against international laws on military engagement. and really the bottom line is that people don't usually do things without a reason. American trade embargos and foreign affairs approaches to Afghanistan have left tens of thousands of Afghans dying of starvation every year. shit, these people don't have much left to lose except their lives, and they certainly don't have much to gain from staying alive.

and it's not fair to them to have been trained and made use of by the CIA to act as a US proxy vs Russia in the cold war, and then to have been dumped after the fall of the USSR. these people have gotten nothing but the shit end of the stick from the States and they've been ignored the entire time.

honestly, if i were them, i'd be pretty pissed.

but still...just because they've been done great injustices doesn't mean they're doing the right thing in killing innocent people. :(