event security


New member
Hi guys, does anyone know who is best to contact for security guards for our event at fort canning next month?
we have tried to contact various companies but have had no luck as yet.
if anyone out there is a bouncer at a venue already, feel welcome to comment as to your employer.
cheers for your help guys

What kinda security is anyone looking for??? Maybe for metal gigs.. no offence...but metal gigs are rowdy..
What kinda security is needed????
If you apply for a Public Entertainment License, part of the clauses does require one to have sufficient security personnel on site to handle the projected crowd size. Of course, some choose to not hire security, which is entirely up to their prerogative. However, if anything happens and MDA and the cops come snooping and find the organiser was without security at the time of the incident, well, best of luck.

Unless, of course, the organiser is so ignorant/stupid as to not apply for PEL or read the accompanying document during payment of the license.