Es War Einmal (Once upon a time)

lol... :lol:

hey everyone..just to let you know that the new ES WAR EINMAL site is up and running! Take a listen to the media files and add your comments to the guestbook. :)

Peace. E.T

The boys from ES WAR EINMAL will be performing at this year's PEACE CONCERT held at SAS.

Congratulations to the band for making it through the auditions! 8)

Peace. E.T

p.s dont forget to check out the site for news updates and to comment in the guestbook!
Message from the band themselves:

"WOW! This was the first time we’ve played at the Peace Concert and all we can say is, great crowd, insane energy, WE HAD A MOSHPIT!, amazing bands! We had an amazing time playing on stage and had a lot of fun! At this point we’d like to thank every one out there who came to support us! You guys were awesome, we still can’t believe what response we got from a simple 20 minute slot! Most powerful 20 minutes in my eyes! Special thanks to Andre, for taking those insane pictures! You rock! And many thanks to all the other bands, especially Summer’s Over, great hanging out with you guys! SEE YOU ALL AT THE HEINOUS DEFENESTRATION NEXT WEEK 26th NOVEMBER @ THE SUBSTATION!"

Peace out, E.T xXx
Oh awsome! I'll be seeing you there then! Bring your mates! We'll also be selling bandpins, bandshirts and definitely our CD :)

Can't wait- it's gonna be a blast!
Peace out, E.T xxx

Hey all you once upon a time-ers! I'm just going to take this opportunity to thank everyone for coming out and supporting the band at their gigs, whether it be actually being there, moshing, buying bandpins, sending supportive comments to bandmembers or just visiting our myspace page just to listen to Bellum Justum- It's very much appreciated by the members of Es War Einmal.

And also...... there are short video clips of Es War Einmal at the Peace concert 2005 and at the Heinous Defenestration gig (was on last nite for all you people who missed out on all the fun)...

All of this can be viewed on their official bandsite under the "media" section:

And for all you people out there who are crying and depressed (jk) cuz you missed out on either of the gigs Es War Einmal has played at, FRET NOT! Cuz you can catch them again in action on the 10th of december, 4.15ish, at the guinness Theatre at the Substation. Tix are 6 bux at the door. So come along and get ready to mosh :)

ALSO! BUY a BANDPIN, BANDSHIRT or BAND CD and support us! :)
(sorry, just had to add that bit in haha)

Peace out!
Es War Einmal

P.s add us on myspace:
I kinda just realised that this whole thread is in the wrong section. Lol. All the best to the band though! Awesome stage presence! (;

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