Equaliser pedals v.s Boost pedals.

Puddle Smasher

New member
Hey everyone, I'm gonna be getting a lead boost pedal next but im conflicted between getting an equaliser(MXR 10 Band, Boss GE-7, i don't any others, suggestions) and a Boost pedal(BB preamp MB, BB Preamp Plus, BB AC plus, Strymon OB1, Suhr Koko boost) and so on.

The boost most importantly must have
1) High clean Volume boost
2) Adjustable Mid boost

Having treble, bass boost would be awesome. and the Strymon looks crazy as it is a compressor, clean, mid, treble boost all in one.

Also have a qn about the Ep Booster from xotic. they say the dip switch can adjust any frequency. Can adjust mids?

Having said all that. I'm wondering if an equaliser can do all of the above. Is there any tone sacrifice(e.g i read eq might compress ur signal too much bla)..and i read that equalisers do not raise the volume, in which case its retarded to get one.

The equalisers im looking at are MXR 10 Band and boss GE 7. Wondering if they can provide
1) High vol boost
2)obviously they all provide boosts at the various frequencies. But is tone sacrificed?

Any brands, models, suggestions, offers ?

Thanks so much =)
I think the BB preamp is awesome and versatile.
Any budget? If not, get both the booster and eq =D
The BB Preamp and AC Booster's not really a boost, more of a drive and if you stack it with distortion/drive that you're already using, it'll definitely colour your tone. Some EQs don't have a dedicated vol control, eg. MXR 6 band eq.

I find that the EP Booster fattens up tone and shaves off treble a little.

BUT IMO the best booster pedal i've tried is the RC Booster, Very transparent, adds some fatness to your tone, plus you can adjust the amount of treble and bass, either cut or add those frequencies. I would usually use it as a lead boost for my amp's distortion, cutting back the treble, boosting the bass slightly, to get a more singing tone.
i will recommend the CAE boost, its one of the best i've tried, very transparent and it just add the extra juice. toggling btw 9v and 18v is just amazing, but drawback is there is only a dedicated tone knob, if that's not a issue it's one of the cheapest and best i've had. sold it to fund a better delay pedal, would have kept it if i could :)
Having said all that. I'm wondering if an equaliser can do all of the above. Is there any tone sacrifice(e.g i read eq might compress ur signal too much bla)..and i read that equalisers do not raise the volume, in which case its retarded to get one.

The equalisers im looking at are MXR 10 Band and boss GE 7. Wondering if they can provide
1) High vol boost
2)obviously they all provide boosts at the various frequencies. But is tone sacrificed?

The Boss GE-7 can boost if you want it to. There's a overall level slider that can cut or boost your overall volume. So not only can you adjust your eq, you can also boost overall volume with it.

The only way I can think of the Boss GE-7 affecting your tone integrity is through it's buffer. Boss pedals aren't true bypass. But it's nothing to worry about actually. Most Boss pedals have good buffers that do not alter the tone in a bad way. In fact buffers aren't necessarily a bad thing.

I'd recommend the Boss GE-7 because it's so affordable. The MXR 10 Band EQ is another option but the main downside about it is it's size and it runs on 18v power so you will need a seperate adapter for that.
The EP booster has different EQ options depending on which version you have. V1 has a bass boost and a treble boost, V2 has a bass boost and unity gain switch. It doesn't significantly alter the EQ as much as it does its magic as a "tone fattener". However, having said that, the EQ changes do become noticeable when you run it at different voltages.
I just tried the GE7 and Beta Aivin EQ today.
The beta aivin sucked out significant high end when engaged.
The boss is worth it, has some volume boost too.
I just recently acquired a Visual True Tone Clean Boost and it is just fantastic! I've been using before an MXR Micro Amp and Dano Transparent OD as well as a compressor before but this VS Clean Boost just makes your sound bigger and fatter. Totally worth the money... very well built and buffer is really great.

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