Epiphone Les Paul Special II Review


New member
Hi, seen a few ppl requesting this review so... yea :)
pardon any mistakes, its my first review :D


That trademark Les Paul shape in an economical package, including two open-coil Alnico V Humbucker pickups for great classic sound and the Tune-o-matic bridge/Stopbar tailpiece combo for sustain and that signature tone.

A lot of people have labeled this guitar as sub standard due to it being an epiphone (considered second-rate to gibson), but it is relatively good for the affordable price. (SGD$ 299.60)

Features: A mahogany neck, fat c-shaped neck, tune-o-matic/stopbar tailpiece, basswood body, 22 jump frets, chrome hardware, 2 humbuckers (700T, 650R), three way selector switch (treble and rhythm), 1 vol and tone.
Finish is quite beautiful, altho getting marks on the body is quite easy.

Sound: Overall quite good, especially on distortion. has a really strong sound which is great for playing metal, but however when i switch to clean it sounds a little too bassy. Sometimes the guitar also sounds abit muddy when i turn the drive up.. This guitar IMO sounds best with .10 gauge strings.

Playability: The neck is big which is good for playing metal, however, i wish the fretboard was smoother

Overall:This is a great guitar for beginners and intermediate guitarists because of the affordable price...but if your a more xperienced player, id reccomend you get something else.. good to have as a backup on gigs also. It has a similar but not classic lp tone, due to the basswood, for more than half the price. bang for your buck haha. However if it was stolen i prolly wouldnt replace it ..:p

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lol care to tell me how to get a classic les paul tone with a basswood body?

He probably means that it sounds similar to what a Les Paul should sound like. Basswood isn't a bad wood, you know. If you tweak nicely you can get great, fat-sounding tones. There's a reason why several big names chose basswood for their signature models.
EugeneSmasher: it sounds similar yeah. but it is impossible to get the classic les paul tone.... with a basswood body. I'm not saying basswood is bad wood.. I have a basswood LP copy too.

I think SmFizz should edit his post... to prevent misleading...
wtf? theliverevolution: im just using that as an intro to the guitar...if u look at the other reviews, they hav something similar to that. And yes i tried the guitar, i HAVE it la

and tele: my bad, i edited it...
Ok, ok, chill it yeah guys? He meant well. Anyways, SmFizz bro, is yours in that finish? It's lovely. I wished this had 4 knobs like the normal LPs. Anyways, this is a good guitar, having tried it a couple of times. And it's good value too! :)
Hmm no mine is in wine red.
Wish i had gotten it in heritage cherry tho :(
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hi i own ah lp special2 to..dr bone limited edition..
yah its a litle bit mody. but i like it luv da sound of the neck pops..
mine is old but stil sounds good..compare to the epiphipone lp natural finish in yamaha. tha brown one natural finish..the tuch feels the same to me..even the sound of the wood(mahogany)
when it is not plug to an amp.
yea i own the special ll also.Great guitar for its price.But yea it sounds too heavy for a les paul.But its all good,the stock humbuckers are good.
Ill probably get a 2ndhand epi les paul in the future.But ill still keep this guitar as a backup :cool:
Do keep in mind tat Eddie Van Halen thinks that basswood is a very good material for guitar, despite being lighter than mahogany, i can produce tat much tone and on top of that the price is cheap.

Also about the neck, it's not exactly thick. It's more like a wider fret board than a thicker neck. I use to have one b4. And some how the tuners are abit of a betchy affair for blues playing benders like myself. The open pick up sounds great and can take alot of genres and sound great be it u're using cheap or grade A gear.

One of my mates use to take this guitar out to gigs and use it forever without backup, according to him he says if this guitar spoils he'll sing instead.

But most people will recommend that you check out the worksmanship on ur guitar b4 paying for it. Still value for money even wif a adhesive incident.

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