epiphone les paul classic


New member
hi, anyone using this guitar? i need to hear some comments before i get one.. pls help me!!:D how much is it first hand and 2nd hand?

the Epi LP Classic retails for slightly below $1K in the stores. if you think it's a carbon copy of the Gibson version, then be informed that it's not.

talking about copies, $400 more would get you the Tokai LP which is IMO a better manifestation of an attempt to be the real thing 8)
meaning that the epip les paul classic is inferior compared to the tokai les paul classic?
what do u mean by carbon copy of gibson? care to tell me abit more?
many people would think that the Epi versions of many Gibson LP models is simply a difference in name, everything else the same- not quite. although Epiphone is commissioned to reproduce the Gibson models, there's a lack of accuracy in specs & tone. this is understandable as the Epi models are conceived using different electronics & more importantly different body wood (most models) from the original Gibson. nevertheless, if you are looking for a Les Paul type tone & feel, Epiphone is the natural way to go to.

the Tokai copies aren't exact replicas of the Gibsons either. although they do better with the body wood, their electronics & hardware are the Gotoh brand which are hits & misses but after playing the ones @ Davis, i'd say they are more hits than misses.

i'm also not advocating that the Tokais are better than the Epis, i'm just of the opinion that the Tokais score better when it comes to emulating the proverbial Les Paul feel, tone & look. the Tokai headstock don't feature the clipped edges like the Epis & that's accuracy for you. there is a reason why this brand name is legally disallowed in the US, after playing them, you'll know why.

play the Tokais & decide whether they are rightfully more preferable to the Epis 8) at the end of the day, you might just go with the Epi. more importantly, whichever brand you go with, they are definitely not Gibson.
haha! of cos not gibson.. thanks alot for the info!! that's alot of things for me to learn there.. didn't know so much..
so a new ep lp classic cost slightly below $1k? than what bout a 2nd hand one? how is the lp classic compared to lp standard? talking bout epiphone brand...
that's the thing about the Epi brand LP, they don't differ much, feel & tone-wise. however, when it comes to Gibson, you can hear & feel the diff between a Classic & a Std Les Paul.

for a used, set neck Epi LP, i'd say that a max of $550 is a fair asking price (ask if any case included in the package). any higher & you'll have to consider whether it's worth buying because you can definitely save a bot more to get a fresh unit. ignore the parasites who raise the value of their Epi guitars simply because they have stellar pickups in there like EMG/ Duncan/ Dimarzio et al.

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