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Hey Owners of Epiphone Dot and Dot Studio owners.

Does this Guitar Neck Dive AT ALL?

Does it have even the Slightest Neck Dive ?

I just saw a Video on youtube and even though it isnt a Epiphone im just Concerned~

WATCH @ 35secs,


man if i bought that and i come home and Strap it on and Find that it does that? I'd throw it in 1 corner and never touch it again.

SO Dot owners. Does yours? or does it sit like a Les Paul.
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some neck dive is inevitable- i bought the SG knowing well it would neck-dive but learning to live with it is the other side of adaptaiton.
The Dive of a SG is fine.. never realized it with my SG standard

but my Explorer made it Very unintersting to play even thought i really liked that guitar~

So as long as its Not terrible like in the video and Not as Suckass as the Explorer and somewhere between an SG And LES PAUL im cool :)...
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I think another important aspect is the strap. If you use those smooth, non-leather nylon material kinda strap, there's not much friction between your body/clothes and the strap, increasing the chance to neck dive. Leather style ones tend to have more grip. That's my personal experience since I'm have a Flying V myself. Your mileage may vary :lol:
yeah tahts the thing, i dont want it to have to resort to leather straps~

i've owned 2 flying Vs and they both dont do that even with Nylong straps ;P

Anyways~ i
ll be getting my dot tommrrow if its available at sweelee!!
yo man, after you get the dot tell me if the neck dives that much with those nylon/plasticky strap alright! cause im also quite interested in buying a hollowbody guitar.
Get an SG.. Put on a strap (no strap locks please)..
Stand up, and don't support your guitar..
It will bloody fall slowly downwards..
If you're unlucky the guitar will fall off.. Happened to me during a performance..
Had to put my leg on my amp and continue playing.. Haha
For an SG, the placing of the strap thingys..
Where you put on the strap I mean..
Hence the Toni Iommi version has the strap thingy on one of the horns instead..
I feel ya GodSpeed~

But Anyways!! TO all ya'll outs there who wants to Buy a DOT ..

its pretty much like the SG... It neck dives but it doesnt Always Face Plant it self.. its Still VERY playable.. :)

and Yes im using a Nylon Strap.. WHOOO!!!