Ep review: Loong - finding my sound


Well-known member

It was a few months ago while sourcing for acts for Soft TV the singer songwriter series; I attended an "open mic" night somewhere in Selegie Road. The venue shall remain nameless; I was less than satisfied with the sound system. The patrons at the venue that night was made up of hungry, noisy chatting diners on one side of the room and a small yuppie crowd on the other side, who were there for the music. I watched several outstanding, young and upcoming songwriters attempting to showcase “blood and soul”. However, the inadequacies of the venue made me almost wanted to leave. That was when I heard the song “Block 3”. The artiste who cut a lonely figure on stage was Loong. He made me change my mind and I stayed for his set.

It’s now 3am on Friday morning, a few months after our initial meeting. I am spending a sleepless morning listening to his EP – Loong, finding my sound. In the stillness and quietness of this time of day, I can fully appreciate the man’s craft and songwriting gifts. I wanted to know what else he had to tell the world. I wasn’t disappointed.

“Finding my sound” is a precious collection of six beautifully crafted musical gems. These songs reflect the author’s fearlessness in bearing his soul to his audience. This is never more evident in the tune “Holds onto me”. The tune is stripped bare with a simple piano and cello accompaniment. The lyrics, the manner of its world weary professes Loong’s surrender, redemption and salvation. You can practically feel his heavy heart in your own.

The EP’s opening track Finding My Sound suggest a struggle to find music identity. The line “Just a poet on an empty stage” instantly reveals to us that that Loong has already found his. His references to pop stars and brat packs jazzmen and “thinking of rocking out” reflect just a hint of distain. However this reinforces our feeling that he has outgrown his “heroes” and conquered his demons. despite his lyrics professing the opposite.

Block 3 was the song that first got my attention at the open mic night I spoke about. The lyrics speak of growing old, the hopelessness of losing love, faith and enduring an existence purely centered on awaiting the inevitable. Loong’s references to the “fried fish in the air”, “sleeping on empty floors” “coffee powder gone again” instantly brings you to visions of the heartlands of Singapore. “Mixed up Prayer”, “Ambiguous friends” and “Meant to be” complete the collection and are little jewels in their own right.

The overall feel of the album is melancholic and somber. The musical accompaniment is tastefully minimal and well chosen. They compliment the feel of each song without distracting the listener from the lyrics which in their essence, allows the listener to conjure up thoughtful images of life, love, regret, hope and redemption.

A poet painting his feelings thru his words onto a musical landscape. Important work by a soon to be important artiste.