EML Music Festival / 1st Singapore Synth Meet


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MUSIC // PANELS // EXHIBITION // HANDS-ON // 1st Singapore Synth Meet

This December, Singapore’s local electronic music trailblazers will convene at the bustling rooftop space of Lepark (People’s Park Complex) to celebrate 30 years of electronic music in Singapore with Electronic Music Lab.

For the first time ever, catch industry leaders Jeff Hue from live electronic band Canvas Conversations, audio-visual collective Syndicate, together with varsity institutions RP’s EMP, SMU’s Stereometa, SUTD’s Scratch, in our masterclass panel sessions.

Featuring original electronic music performances by our artists, such as Ocean's Children, The Kids with Laptops, Mitch Advent Music, nanowander, Brannlum spanning a multitude of genres accompanied by stunning visuals.

Khew Sin-Sun is also putting together the FIRST Singapore Synth Meet in conjunction with this event.
"There will be a few of us with our synth gear, who would be setting up "show and tell" on our Eurorack modulars for this event."



Date: 12 December 2015
Venue: Lepark [1 Park Road Level 6 People's Park Complex, Singapore 059108]
this is great! fantastic! we need to celebrate!

looks like clashed with ZoukOut ?
will it affect the attendance ?
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