emily the strange guitar

Yeah I saw it on the webby. It's pretty cool, considering how intricate the artwork is - cat's eyes and all. It's made in China though, and I heard it comes with a ETS strap too.
its basically a epiphone g310 + the pretty artwork. its a bolt-on sg, id say pay abit more to get the g400 instead, with a set neck and better pickups unless your really keen on the design.

sidenote: check the soft gallerys, theres someone using it!
I used to like that design, even wanted to buy it once, till the whole emily the strange thing till i came poly and realised every other girl had an emily the strange bag.
Haha, it's the 'in' thing now. Along with those brightly colour rubber shoes/shoes with holes at the top.
Damn, are they gaudy or what. I hate it.
totally agree on the shoes!!! as in, is it really that nice?? to have like rubber capsules over your feet and have an ugly ass strap to either put onver the top ot behind ur foot to hold it.. practicality10, design0...
Well I don't know about it's practicality though. And yes, it's goddammed unsightly.
I wonder if any softies own a pair? Perhaps they are for meant for patients, some shop in Tan Tock Seng sells them.
i think tt gallery is gone...i cant find it either..theres suppose to have a album called mug shot of softies