EMG electronics


New member
i'm thinking of adding an EMG BTC control on my rockbass. anyone know if EMG electronics are good? or if there are any cheaper but good onboard preamps?

i also have a hartke bass attack floor preamp/DI. do you think that's good enough to make it a truly active sound?
Aphex Bass Xciter! heard mr 3notesAbar's one before ... adds that full low end that alot of bassists crave for ... i'm seriously tempted to get one .. but .. i'll just wait .. =P
Don't know about the electronics, but the pickups are powerful, albeit sterile sounding.

Ever considered Bartonlini Preamps? I'm wondering if they may be warmer....just a thought! :wink:

Oh yes, there are people who install J Retro preamps in their Jazz Basses, not sure if they're applicable to Rockbasses.... :?
J retro! i cnt afford la! haha. i guess aguilars are out of the qs as well. how much should barts cost?
depends lah .. i saw barts for around 140US on bestbassgear.com ... add on the aguilar it's around 130 more ... so .. 300? .. which is around 500 sing lah .. inclusive of shipping and stuff ...
Z3r0_G said:
wa! so ex!

or is my hartke floor preamp/DI enough to make it active?

sure ... i think your Hartke will be sufficient to make it sound active. Actually i think 500 quite reasonable lah .. if you can pull out your MECs then sell it off i think it'll be pretty cool. At least you can get some compensation for your new gear?
hmm.. ok., time to go home for dinner everyday now. =x hope to get barts by the end of this year for my warwick. muahahaha!
Z3r0_G said:
hmm.. ok., time to go home for dinner everyday now. =x hope to get barts by the end of this year for my warwick. muahahaha!

when you getting tell me lah ... then we import together .. =) ..
Z3r0_G said:
J retro! i cnt afford la! haha. i guess aguilars are out of the qs as well. how much should barts cost?

ahahaha...j retro!!! dude...that's one wicked preamp shit i tell you...with a wicked price as well :evil:
Z3r0_G said:
dunu lei. maybe if i go bartolinis all the way. must import lei. $$

kinda depends ..hahaah .. barts plus U retro for my warmoth .. whoaaaaa ... HOR HOR HORHOR .. okok .. GAS ...

that'll be total expensively expensive ...
haha. what do you guys think of SD Basslines SJB Hot pickups? thinking of getting them to boost my sound.
Well, really depends on the kind of sound you're going for. If you're going for a more transparent, mellow kind of tone, then Hot pickups may not be the answer.

Check out some reviews and and find out more about the pickups, so you have a better picture.

For reviews, you can actually try www.harmony-central.com. The gear review section is pretty comprehensive, and you can find pickups by manufacturer.

You can also go to the Seymour Duncan website to check out the tone chart and product description.

Hope that helps.
thanks RentaBass. i am looking to get the very warm and bass-y kinda sound. well as you would probably know, describing my perfect tone would be really hard over words, so i'll check them out on harmony central! i think of Geddy Lee as one of the bassists i'm trying to emulate in regards to tone. :)