Elixir Strings Fade in 1 DAY!!!!!


New member
Is it normal for elixir strings to fade in one day, then why is there so much crap online that says these things dont fade. I just put them on and in one hour they start to fade. Is the fading normal or do elixirs just suck. If i use normal uncoated strings they rust withing the week or even in a few days... Someone help thanks. you can see from the picture that they are fading. I have tried to use GHS coated boomers and they hardly last a month before snapping and the boomers start to have patches of the coating wearing off in barely 1 weeks.


What strings would u recommend, regular ernie balls rust super fast
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I haven't made my decision yet. This Elixir thing has left me bummed. Still looking around for a suitable replacement.
Lol since that thread, I've been troubled on my next strings to go to hahaha.
Maybe stick to EB and let them rust and change often.
Just wipe down your strings after you play. I use Dr Duck Ax Wax. My strings can last for months.
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Actually, which do you buy? Poly or Nano, it seems that in Nano's, the 3 thinner strings do not have the same coating as the others, whereas Poly is the same. Thats from my, and my friends experience, maybe you could check?