Elevating my pedal board


New member
Hey guys, can anyone suggest what I should do to elevate my pedal board? Cos when I put my pedals in I realized I cant plug cables in either ends cos the sides are blocked, like the box itself is blocking the input so can't squeeze the 1/4" in, unless its those flat headed ones.

Anyone has any suggestions? Thanks!
^ how to acquire a wooden riser? like, where do they sell pieces of wood?
and, wats a patch bay? i should PM u, but just ask here, in case someone else doesnt know too...
Ya whats a patch bay? I used to used pedaltrain so this hard case thing is pretty new to me haha
ikea has wood.


sth like that.
well you could pluck out the entire carpet, raise the entire platform with wood then re carpet, or maybe make it slopped for that professional look

for me, i was lazy, so i just raised the 2 pedals i have at each end by using 2 small pieces of wood with velcro on it
no please don't cut yourself using a hacksaw.

Cut the wood using a hacksaw, or depending n the thickness, the normal saw machines(can't rmb the names) in your dnt lab should do the trick (those that are usually used for acrylic)