Electronic Music Lab presents PERSONA 9 / 10 March 2013


New member
9 & 10 Mar (Sat & Sun), $15
8pm, University Cultural Centre Dance Studio, NUS

Electronic Music Lab presents Persona, an enhanced audio-visual performance featuring 90 minutes of original electronic music in surround sound from the entire spectrum of electronic music (including synthpop, electrohouse, experimental and fusion genres). Listen to the previews at the EML Blog http://emlblog.blogspot.com

Tickets available from SISTIC (www.sistic.com), or
email electronicmusiclab@gmail.com, or
fill in the Contact form http://www.eml.org.sg/contact
Faces, masks, identities – how many do we have, and how real is each one?

Persona is an enhanced audio-visual performance tracing the path of an android and her quest for the perfect persona. She escapes the laboratory where she was programmed to be the perfect alter-ego, and instead travels through the diverse landscape of electronic music – a rendered universe of constructed identities and originally composed music.

Developed by humans as part of a research project in the name of scientific recognition and reputation, it is symbolic of the struggles of the creator and the created over control.

Is the creation of a persona the answer or the problem? Is it the end or the beginning?

Follow Electronic Music Lab on their facebook page, http://fb.com/ElectronicMusicLab for updates on Persona.
Listen to other original music from EML on http://soundcloud.com/Electronic-Music-Lab
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Live Mix Maestro, the nation-wide inter-tertiary DJ competition is back!
Five finalists together with three wild card contestants handpicked across the nation, will be judged in terms of skill, creativity and their ability to hype up the crowd in a club setting.
So who will be our very Live Mix Maestro 2013 champion to walk away with $10,000 worth of prizes?
Turn up on 14th March 2013 at Velvet Underground @ Zouk to find out! Door opens at 630pm.
Pre-Ticket sales at just $10 (includes 1 Drink)
*Includes exclusive ZOUK Tees, Stickers, Mini MP3 speakers etc. PLUS Stand a chance to win LUCKY DRAW Prizes sponsored by LENOVO & ZOUK.

What are you waiting for? Get your tickets now!
Email your particulars to livemixmaestro2013@gmail.com
(e.g. NAME / IC / CONTACT NUMBER/ No. Of Tickets)