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Hi, I'm looking for a Electro-Harmonix Bass Big Muff Pi pedal (Green colour) but apparently some dealer doesn't has it in stock until March or April because its a rather new product. Do any1 know there are any dealer in Singapore Sells Bass Big Muff? I'm afraid importing one in to S'pore, the GST charge and shipping rate is too high... So do let me know if there's anywhere selling EHX Bass Big Muff. Thank you :lol:

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no GST on goods valued less than S$400...

shipping from US dealers can be quite ex (but more ex than local dealers? i wonder)

you can try talkbass classifieds. hopefully there's someone who will ship worldwide

TYMC is also a ehx dealer AFAIK
I wants it more than a Hartke Bass Attack because it can produce Muse sound and has low ends and a big muff, for bass! Oh ok thanks for the informations guys, I'ill try Blackwoods and talkbass now

Edit : Oh what the, blackwoods is out of stock also ._.
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Well i guess i have to wait until March to get it then... Does Hartke Bass Attack does the same fuzz sound i want? =/ or its just a tone shaper and distortioner??
it's meant to simulate the drive section of a tube amp. but no matter how hard you try to 'shape' your tone artificially, it will still fall short of using higher quality instruments. and you are also more likely to be exposed during recording than live. you didn't think those who can afford it buy expensive gear merely because they are boutique snobs did you? :mrgreen:

my biggest beef with the muffs is the massive mid scoop. i use to have the LBM and kept getting lost in the mix. a blender didn't help at all; if you want your effect to punch through the mix, blending in some CLEAN signal is not going to help your effect stand out at all.

curiously, most attempts at cloning the muff for bass have exceeded the original.

also, you may also want to make considerations if you are using an active bass. some drive pedals just dont do active basses, be it the big muff or the woolly mammoth
erm then is there any EHX big muffs has the same or around the sound i can attain from bass big muff? I heard Russian Big Muff does :confused: