Electro-acoustic guitar in studio? (or rental?)


New member
Does anyone know which studio provides electro-acoustic guitars, or even if we have to pay a fee to rent them? Or anywhere that might provide such a service? My friend and I are just trying to record a little something for fun but neither of us owns an electro-acoustic guitar so would really appreciate if someone knows which studio has it or if a place that could rent it while we loan it for session use?

Thanks in advance.
I realised my question probably came across as something that's too confusing. So in summary, anyone knows of a studio that has an Electro-acoustic guitar that they can loan while you jam there?
How about recording an acoustic with a microphone through an interface? Are you guys recording an acoustic demo?

I'm sure some studios provide equipment lists on their website, if not, a quick call to the studio to clarify will do the trick. By electro-acoustic, I take it you mean an acoustic with a pickup so you can plug straight to the mixing desk?
Yes Vax, thanks for the clarification. We are not professionally recording it, we're just planning on trying it out with "How it will sound like" or "the feel" if we do things acoustic-style. With a tamborine and etc. Also planning to plug it into an amp and mess around with the EQ to get some settings or a rough gauge.
Sounds like a trip to the studio for an acoustic jam then, which is perhaps cheaper than renting an instrument from the studio. Two hours gives you plenty of time to mess around with the acoustic, and plugging into an amp, etc.

Just my opinion though, any acoustic through an electric amp will tend to sound electric-like, but yes, try and experiment!
I don't have electro-acoustic. Only an electric, and an acoustic. My vocalist's electro-acoustic isn't working anymore (jack went nuts). So we're trying to find a studio that has an electro-acoustic for rent on the spot so we can try it out. Might you have any tips or recommendations for us? Could really use some advice. Thanks in advance and thanks for the posts made too.
My apologies for the late reply Ray, year-end closure at work is a nightmare!

I see your predicament. If you guys don't mind going to a studio, here are some places I know:

Four Tones Music, they have basic acoustics and a Taylor 414 that costs additional $10/hr on top of the studio rental. (I'd call first to check if it's the 414CE or 414...CE has electronics, non-CE is a plain acoustic)

Mikemann Studio and Soundbox Studios...both have a jam studio, and both also offer instrument rental services, although I think it's probably more worth it to try it at their studios there and then.

When all else fails, you can go with what I did to my Yamaha acoustic...I bought a Seymour Duncan Woody pickup ($80), fix it onto my acoustic, and plug it into my electric guitar amp, which I've done for a few gigs.

Hope this helps!
Thanks for all the information, really appreciate it. And I can empathise regarding the year-end thingy. I OT until 4 a.m two weeks ago, man, it was crazy. We don't mind going to a studio as long as the studio has electro-acoustic. We don't mind paying a small fee (as long as it isn't unreasonably crazy) to loan it during our 2 hours session in-house practice.

The other alternative I have in mind is to get my friend to repair his guitar so we don't have to loan one.

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