Electrical Servicing


New member
Hi, guys

I am looking to install an extra power point as well as additional two lights (so three lights altogether) in my room. Currently, I have one light source as well as one main power point unit.

Just wanna have a gauge on the rates for such an installation. So far I have one quotation that says $107 PER HOUR (including gst, not including material) which to me is pretty steep. Or is that like the norm? Haven't got answers for others yet I contacted yet (I think cos I contacted them close to their office closing time).

Any personal recommendation to help me narrow down my search? Or any Softie who would be willing to help for a reasonable fee? :D
hey bro

the price qouted is the norm coz the electrician must need to be PUB-licence.without that licence,if there is any form of electrical work done without HDB approval, you can be fine, bro..and so does the electrican/company

for such electrical work,can approached workshops at Geylang East Eve 3 industrial estate, blk 1013/1015/1016 beside paya lebar..just walked around and with a thick skin..knock on their door and ask around..be prepared to get chase away..hope you understand coz got some grouchy uncles with ATTITUDE..hehehe

alternatively can go thru renovation companies but they will mark up their price..
just some info
You can be fined? Wow, I didn't know that...

I laughed at the grouchy uncle bit, but yeah I get what you mean :)

Thanks alot, bro. Guess I ought to just keep looking.

learnt that lesson when selling off my old flat at Commonwealth area.I've had an extra power point unit so when HDB came to evaluate,discovered it was done without permit-DIY by me so when selling off time, HDB took a cut of almost $1k for that unauthorised design from my profit..

that xtra power point unit was used to run a 75 watt Laney and my pedalboard. hehehe
so my Ministry of Finance (mrs fuzztremecho) cut down my yearly Budget for that year and I end up with a 5 watt amp now...