Hi man, receive your PM, as long as you are using pedal that only required 9V, there wont be any problem in daisy chaining, need to know how much milliamp, (abbreviated as ma) does your pedal take most analog pedal only takes in like 10-20 milliamp. Best way to find out your pedal power requirement is through the manufacture website,
so if you are looking at EHX bass Big Muff Pi nano (i assume you got the bass version) just find the manual online -
if you read it, it takes in 4ma at 9VDC,
for mxr bass preamp i assume you are using the newer m81 version,
it takes in 9.25ma at 9VDC,
there is no problem in powering them with a daisy chain power supply as they both take in 9VDC,
There are 2 ways in powering your pedal, one is to use isolated output power supply such as Cioks, Voodoo Lab, Decibel Eleven,
Another method is to daisy chain from those high current adapter like the Visual Sound One Spot, Godlyke Powerall, or Diago Powerstation
good place to read through them is here:
and for the pedals recommendation on your style of music, i suggest a tuner pedal (a must in all pedalboard), compressor, overdrive pedal, and maybe a flanger.