Effects help


New member
Hi guys. Need some help for my effects board.

My current chain goes like this.

Bass> Comp> Dist/fuzz> Chorus> EQ

here's a pic.. pardon the huge pic. can't figure out how to size it down. heh..

I'll normally turn either the dist or the chorus on. Rarely turn both on, unless experimenting with some funky stuff.

Is there a better way to chain it up?

Another problem is with ehx pedals, i can't seem to power the bass blogger with the daisy chain. Does it really work with only a separate power source?
Is there a way to solve it?
There seems to be a loud click whenever i switch on or off on ehx pedals too. Have no idea whats wrong with it. Any ideas??
looks good to me. depends on waht you want to achieve and wat are the problems you seem to be having with your current board (which looks, and i bet sounds, kickass btw)

the daisy chain thing only affects a few ehx pedals, the other the nano clone i believe. It's to do with the circuit design of the pedal, some ground related issues, causing it to be un-daisy-chain-able to other "normal" pedals. A power supply with isolated power outputs can solve the problem

the popping on the blogger is just the downside of a true bypass mechanical switch. Can be due to anything, highly doubt it's something wrong with the pedal
i've had a couple of TBP pedals in the past. ehx, too. they all had the pop sound, but it was most common the first time i engaged the pedal.

now most of my pedals use buffered bypass, even my last remaining ehx pedal, the stereo electric mistress

it would not be desirable to engage the compressor and the fuzz at the same time. for obvious reasons. fuzz is meant to be fuzzy, distortion is meant to be rough. compression would screw up the wave shapes of the clipping.

i would also put the compressor after the chorus. modulation/filter effects put out alot of spikes. for clean, i prefer 'good technique' to compression.

basically, the compressor is last in my chain. i use it like a compressor. not like a compressor-cum-preamp. or a compressor-cum-buffer. if i wanted those at the start of my chain i would have gotten those instead.

the eq positioning doesnt really matter. there are tone controls on you bass, as well as on your amp, so having more tone controls somewhere in your chain is basically the same thing
oh and as for the power thing, you can't daisy chain in that case. other than using another adaptor, you could use a power supply which has ISOLATED outputs. i stress the word isolated, otherwise it would effectively be the same as using a daisy chain.
oh and as for the power thing, you can't daisy chain in that case. other than using another adaptor, you could use a power supply which has ISOLATED outputs. i stress the word isolated, otherwise it would effectively be the same as using a daisy chain.

Thanks for the advices.
Hmm. Are 1spot's isolated? Cause I'm using the power i got from tymusic awhile back. And from what I know. I doubt its isolated.

Another thing. Would a looper help in minimizing the pop sound when switching the effects?
e.g bass>loop a> dist>
>loop b> chorus> >> comp> eq
wah getting an LS-2 just to do a loop is quite ex........ how about you buy my barge vbjr? LOL

i think it doesn't pop everytime right? just the first time upon powering up

and i got something to ask u, where did u get those patch cables?
Haha. Maybe in afew weeks time. no budget for pedals now. (although GAS keeps kicking in)

Hmm, got those patch cables from beez, when i sent my bass in for a set up. Why?
LS-2 is a great pedal tool to have around, not as ex as your blender! :)

although i don't use it now, bu ti would think i will have use for it in future when my pedalboard becomes bigger
LS-2 is probably one of the best boss pedals where bass is concerned. there will surely be a use for it, no matter how simple or complex. just like how someone will surely by my expensive boutique blender, eventually :mrgreen:

i think those are G&H plugs is it? those plugs would really be suitable for my use. i use patches with flathead and neutrik plugs. flatheads cover alot of the jack, the neutriks are huge. for some connections it gets really cramp
wah getting an LS-2 just to do a loop is quite ex........ how about you buy my barge vbjr? LOL

i think it doesn't pop everytime right? just the first time upon powering up

and i got something to ask u, where did u get those patch cables?
eh it has it uses. i mean it can loop and blend. i wish it has a feature that like A/B and A+B switch.

so i can do A and switch B or switch a A+B blend. that be ideal.

cos i am blending dirty channel and clean channel mostly nowadays and at times just the clean channel, so a A/B/A+B would be super ideal now ;p
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bassists buy effect pedals to achieve a kind of sound. when you are trying to get a kind of sound, you know when you will need an effect.

you can get a multifx to get your feet wet.

you could get a compressor or preamp, but i would advise against it. getting them so early could prevent you from fully appreciating the effect. you could get so caught up with these things that you could be artificially 'manufacturing' your tone rather than enhancing it, i.e. the base tone of the bass would be totally lost to all these effects.

personally, my two MOST important effects are fuzz and chorus. fuzz because i like to experiment with industrial or electronic tones. chorus because of the way it lets me sit in the mix in certain situations.

many bassists like to use phasers. right now, the next effect i want to experiment with is ANALOG DELAY :twisted:
Hmmm. Say if i wanna enhance my slapping sound what do i get first? Im thinking of getting a fuzz first. hmm..........