Effects chain .. need help


New member
hi .. i just got a korg ax1500g .. wondering how shld i chain it up

i got a ds2 and the korg .. plz tell me how i should wire it up .. and any tips ?? thx .. help is much appreciated
But why do you want to do that?
Distortion from the multi effect is not good compare to the DS1?
haha.. i dun noe wan to put ant .. wat u all tink .. shld i put ?? i scared is for clean ah .. later the ds2 will distort my tone .. wat u all tink ?
Well. If you love the ds2 sound and you want to add wah from the Multiefx to it, this is the way you should put it.

Then you can bypass the ds2 and continue with the multiefx any number of fx to use.
i owned one before. it turns cranky after a few months. patches change automatically, efx and amp models too. same thing happened to my friend's.
so i ditched it asap. good luck with yours.
That's the problem wif digital m-efx.

The more complex the circuit, the more the chance of failure. And problems described above points to design or manufacturing faults. Normally will not be fixable.

That's why analog still rules. in terms of reliabiity, fixablilty, moddability and tonability.........hahahaha :lol: :lol: :lol:
Think some compromising (definitely) is needed in this case. I would put distortion box b4 multi-fx (guitar>ds1>korg>amp). the drawback is that u can't loop ur ds1 in between ur chain built inside ur korg ie compressor(korg)>ds1>delay(korg)... this sort. Of cos the benefit of this is cost saving hehe
a good effects chain depends on YOU..there's no right or wrong way to do it. for me to achieve a good sound, usually
1st filter effects like phaser, wah....i put phaser 1st
3rd OD/Distortion,
4th Equaliser,
5th Pitch effects like harmoniser, vibrato,
6th modulation effects like flanger, chorus..usually flanger b4 chorus for me
7th sound level controllers like noise gate & volume pedal..noise gate b4 volume pedal
8th echoes are delay and reverbs..i put reverb after delay..

if u follow this thing nothing can go wrong with your tone..but the tweaking part is up to u..

and again there's no right or wrong way for effects order..those are juz my preference..i think they should be in dat order..if u guys ask y, then i'll tell u y..

so there siva..u decide multifx b4 or after ds..u can apply both ways in different situations if u get wat i mean..
and analog does not rule alone..it rules together with digital..that wat i tink..

and ax1500g is good siva..axed minister guitarist is using it dat explain his good tone..if u know him.. dont take wat the guys said too seriously bout patches change automatically and so on..juz enjoy playing wif dat thing..patches can be found in the net..lots of em..