Ebenex@Byleft - Parklane Shopping Centre


New member
Ebenex Music is proud to announce our latest collaboration with Byleft - (By Left | Smart Buys, Fast Buys.) .

We've consigned over $10000 worth of stock to their showroom which is conveniently located at 35 Selegie Road #03-18 Parklane Shopping Centre - the shop is right in front of the escalator. -633 999 37.

For those of you guys who feel its too far to make your way down to Katong, you'll now be able to pick up your favourite brands of guitar effects and accessories from Terrence at Byleft.

He has stock of Fulltone, Xotic, AMT, Pedaltrain, EHX, Rocktron, Artec etc. Prices will be more or less the same.

glad to hear that its easier for some of you guys to head over to byleft.

we've sold a few pedals over there since the announcement and terrence is really a GREAT guy to deal with.

we'd be consigning more stock over if this proves popular.

i'm also open to other consignment deals with other music shops. please drop me an email at sales@ebenex.com if you are interested.

we still have almost 300 effect pedals from 30+ brands and i'm sure there are better places to place them than in the warehouse.

sales of our guitar effects at byleft has been pretty good so far. thanks so much for your support guys!

you can view what's available at:

By Left | Smart Buys, Fast Buys.

if you remember seeing something at our main store at katong but not at byleft, just let terrence know and he'll bring it in for you.

we're getting the new stock of tc nova delays over to him on monday afternoon.